Today’s book review is a very cute book on make-believe felt toys for kids. The title is フエルトのごっこあそび。I went through a period of making felt food quite some time ago, as I can’t really keep my hands still even when I’m watching TV and I’m always wanting to make something. So when I discovered it I was literally sewing everywhere. Since this calls for hand-stitching it is a easy hobby to tote around. That was, until I discovered crochet and moved on.
I bought this book because there were so many cute ideas in it for making toys out of felt. There were so many projects I wanted to make but I have to confess that I haven’t made a single one. Partly because my kids have more or less outgrown “soft” toys. But I was reminded of this book today, when my 18month old niece came to visit, and there were not many suitable toys for her because she is mouthing everything right now. So maybe I have to make her something for Christmas!
Let’s start with some felt food.
回転寿司, kaiten-zushi! With a little chef in the middle. Ooo look! the ikura sushi (the orange balls) is 300yen per plate!
This is making me miss the bread in Japan! They serve the fanciest, softest bread ever.
Fancy a picnic with some healthy sandwiches? Or a hot dog?
It’s always healthier to cook your own food and pack your own bentos.
Looks yummy, and there’s even a hot drink in a thermos!
Not so much of a toy, but a great idea for decorating if you, like me, have no luck with plants. Combine the different types of flowers for a nice bouquet.
Part of a supermarket/grocery shopping setup. With shopping baskets, cash register, food and money.
A must-have for all kids who like to play make-believe. Doctor’s set!
Look at the details on the small items.
Something for the boys!
More vehicles…
Pull along trucks
The instructions are all in diagrams, like this one above. Should be pretty easy to understand since it’s all a matter of piecing felt pieces together and hand stitching the pieces.
There’s even a small section on the type of stitches used.
The book comes with two large pieces of actual size pattern paper which means no tracing or enlarging required.
These felt toys are simple to make, but it takes quite a bit of work and patience. Well, but sewing is a labour of love. 🙂 Hope this gives you some ideas what to make for Christmas this year! Happy sewing!
Title : フエルトのごっこあそび
ISBN : 978-4-529-04963-4
Publisher : Nihon-vogue
Felt is my latest craze, as iam in the process of making felt food for darling daughter’s play kitchen . We have made. 2 tomatoes and a banana so far. One tomato was handmade by my 6 yr. old, nice. Way to get her started with sewing! I had been to kinokuniya today, wish I had seen this post earlier… Never mind good excuse for another visit soon . . .
cute book, seems like I always use fabric for the little soft toys. I have a few to make for christmas for a one year old.
thank you for always sending something fun to see and your letters to go along with it
happy sewing
Thank you for such a great review! I also have quite a fetish (and collection……) for Japanese craft books and fabrics. I really only know about 10 characters or words in Japanese, though, lol, a few being “fold, felt, kimono, chirimen, stitches, count, and cute”. ;-D Because of the awesome illustrations, however, you don’t really need much more than that in order to use the books. Love love love them! Love your blog, too! Drop by mine sometime, if you’d like too, i have a few…..(hehehe)….. similar projects posted here and there. ;-D
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