Today’s book review will take on a different format, one that I hope will allow me to post more book reviews quicker and faster! So what’s the difference? I noticed that ever since I started posting book flip through videos, the photos became quite…
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLIv416S8Qg-nDnnIqf4bpSma0VZWP70CA” key=”AIzaSyCLaxFWuZfuedEItFBlCwsYFrOp3i3SRhM” maxitems=”9″ thumb_columns_phones=”3″ title=”1″ thumbnail_alignment=”top” player_description=”1″ player_description_words_number=”200″ thumbnail_alignment_width=”half” link_tx=”click here for more videos on my youtube channel” link=”1″] The latest videos will always be first published on my Instagram account which is also linked to my Facebook page. The detailed information for each…
From this month onwards, I will be blogging once a month about new releases in Japanese Sewing Books. 🙂 The books I have listed are based on their release dates in February. Some of the new magazines due for release in March have already…
I once mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted to get hold of this book but it was out of stock. I finally managed to get my hands on it, and it’s good! I bought this book because I was venturing into the…
Today’s book review is a very cute book on make-believe felt toys for kids. The title is フエルトのごっこあそび。I went through a period of making felt food quite some time ago, as I can’t really keep my hands still even when I’m watching TV and…
Here’s a book title that requires no translation. Simple Chic. It’s not a very new book, but I’ve been buying mostly books for girls, so it’s only lately that I started sewing for myself and started buying more adult pattern books. Today was one…
I received this book together with the More! Handmade Wallets a couple of weeks ago, and I could not wait to share! This is a very new book also published by Nihon Vogue. I check their site out too often and I keep seeing…
Is it Autumn yet? Being here in Singapore it’s hot all year round, so it’s hard to tell when the seasons change in other parts of the world. I rely on the publishing dates of my favourite sewing magazines like Cotton Friend and Cucito…
Today’s book review is “a sunny spot 女の子のまいにちの服(Heart warming life series, or Everyday clothes for girls. This book is relatively new as it was only published this year in April, I’ve already used two patterns for this book, and there are still a couple…
One of my new books, and quite a recent release as well as it was just released on July 24th. I have a weakness for bag pattern books. I first saw this under the new books listed in nihon-vogue’s website. The patterns are very…