Free Japanese Patterns – Clover

March 5, 2012

Good Monday morning! Time to chase away those morning blues by indulging in some new free patterns I’ve discovered 🙂

Note that I did not specify sewing patterns. That’s because, the site I am recommending today has lots more to offer than just sewing patterns. In fact, there are so many patterns I’m having a hard time deciding which to feature.

First of all, the site I’m talking about is Clover’s Japanese site. Most of you would have heard of Clover, which is a big Japanese brand selling all kinds of handicraft tools, knitting, crochet, sewing notions. If you have ever visited their English site, you may have come across their free patterns page. But have you visited their Japanese site? If you got lost visiting their homepage, click here for the direct link to their patterns page.

There are 4 categories, あみもの (Knitting)、手芸 (Handicraft), ソーイング (Sewing),パッチワーク (Patchwork). Here are some of the projects. There must be hundreds of them, too many to list here!

To navigate, click on the tabs as shown below.

Within each category, you will see the different projects and the links to download the patterns + directions. All the patterns are PDF downloads, even the adult garments, some of them may require you to piece the pattern together since most of us print in A4 size paper.

The knitting and crochet patterns are pretty straightforward diagrams, and do not need much translation as long as you can read a knitting/crochet pattern. There are so many knitting and crochet patterns, from cute little toys to accessories like hair scrunchies, hats, necklaces, scarves, cowl, bedroom slippers, I wish it snowed in Singapore! 🙂

Some patterns only come with a how-to-make + diagrams, but these are usually the ones that you can construct yourself, such as this.

Have fun sewing/knitting/crocheting!

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  • Rachel Mackin May 30, 2012 at 6:08 pm

    Thank you for sharing this it’s really helpful! 🙂

    • Japanese Sewing Books May 30, 2012 at 6:19 pm

      Hi Rachel, Glad you like it! 🙂

  • ririn December 5, 2013 at 12:26 pm

    japanese crochet simple but cute. thanks for sharing

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