Browsing Tag

adult sewing patterns

Book Review – Cotton Friend

Another sewing magazine review. Cotton Friend usually covers a whole range of crafts, mostly to do with zakka and fabrics. This is the summer edition, and it caught my eye because it says サマーソーイング ”Summer Sewing”.…

September 14, 2012

Translation Request – Polka Dot Tunic

Another translation request from the Daily Sewing Book. This time it’s pattern d. a Polka Dot tunic. Click on image for full translation.  …

August 30, 2012

Book Review – Easy wearing Clean-cut Ladies clothes

The title of today’s book review is ゆったりだけどすっきりシルエットの大人服 This was a tricky one. The direct translation on Google translate said “Loose but Clear Silhouette Adults Clothes”.  I take it as Loose = Easy fitting/easy to wear, Clear Silhouette = Well defined lines (despite it being…

July 27, 2012

Translation Request – M-pattern cape

Today’s translation request is from Ritisha who wanted to make a cape. This pattern is from There were quite alot of pages included in this pattern, including some sewing guides but I will only focus on the actual steps and any other important…

July 4, 2012

Book Review – Daily Comfortable Clothes

This week’s book review is from a book I bought on my recent trip. It’s not a new book judging by it’s published date (Feb 2012). The title of the book is 毎日の心地よい服  by  櫻井悦子 (Etsuko Sakurai). I love the mood of the photographs…

June 29, 2012

Translation Request – V-neck Straight Dress

Today’s translation request is from Ritisha, who needed some help with the following nani IRO pattern. I love nani IRO fabrics, but have never sewn with one (because I cannot bear to cut that single piece I have stashed away), and it was only…

June 27, 2012

Book Review – All Your Kids Need Part 1 of 2

Today’s book review is from one of my most frequently used books. This is a book covers sewing and other crafty projects, all related to school supplies and school going children. This book is also the thickest sewing/craft book I have! It’s 187 pages…

May 18, 2012

Translation Wednesdays!

I know that despite the best translation guides and dictionaries, sometimes it is still hard to deciper a pattern especially when you pick up a book like this. Some books provide great step by step picture, but this book gives me a one page…

May 16, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Nuimonotictac

I’ve seen a couple of requests for boy patterns. Sorry to say that because I have two girls, the only boy patterns I have are from books that have a combination of patterns for kids. I don’t have any books specially for boys! But…

April 23, 2012