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Girls Sewing Patterns

Book review – Kana’s Standard for Kids 2

I know many of you have been excited about this one. This book was recently released in March, and the cover was so inviting that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. And boy was I glad I did! I actually missed out…

May 6, 2017

Throwback Thursday – Free Chinese Dress / Qipao pattern for girls

[tps_header] Every year just before Chinese New Year, I see a renewed flurry of activity in our local sewing community -The Sewing Network, from mothers/aunts/crafters sewing and making Qipaos /Cheongsams for their little ones. This year I’ve decided to compile some of them to show…

January 19, 2017

Book Review – Girl’s Simple Clothes by A Sunny Spot

Life has been pretty hectic in the household lately. It is difficult to find time to sit down (without dozing off) or have enough hands to take photos of my new books and type out book reviews. I have lots of time to plan…

May 26, 2015

Book Review – Sewing for your girls (Sewing Recipe in English)

3 years ago I bought this book while holidaying in Japan, called Sewing Recipe for Girls, by one of my favourite author/pattern designer Yoshiko Tsukiori 月居良子. There is also an adult version of this book called Sewing Recipe. The books are designed to function not…

March 1, 2015

Girly Style Wardrobe – Now in English

Yay! Another book by Yoshiko Tsukiori has been translated to English by Laurence King. This time it’s for the girls. We’ve seen many of her adult sewing books being translated to English, but Yoshiko Tsukiori has authored many books for girls as well. I…

January 17, 2015

Book Review – FU-KO basics

Have you been waiting for me to review this book since you saw me post its arrival on Instagram? Ever since I started blogging about monthly new releases, I have been increasingly drawn to shopping directly from (I’m not an affiliate to…

April 9, 2014

Translation Request – for Janene

This is a translation request for a pocket dress, requested by Janene, from a book that I almost forgot I had! おしゃまな女の子のお洋服 ISBN : 978-4529047678 Pocket Dress on Page 12 1. Fold over the top edge of the central panel fabric, sew a casing and insert…

March 17, 2014

Girls Qi Pao / Chinese Dress sew-along Pattern variation

I have been seeing lots of YOUR creations on my Facebook page and I can tell you it’s been wonderful seeing them.  Now it’s my turn to show you mine. First of all, I said I was going to sew on Chinese brocade, and I did.…

January 31, 2014

Girls Qi Pao (Chinese Dress) Sew Along Day 3

Today we are going to tackle the side zipper opening of the dress. This took me a few experiments to figure it out. I am not even sure if this is the correct way to do it but it works! 🙂 So here goes….…

January 16, 2014