Book Review – Girl’s Simple Clothes by A Sunny Spot

May 26, 2015

Life has been pretty hectic in the household lately. It is difficult to find time to sit down (without dozing off) or have enough hands to take photos of my new books and type out book reviews. I have lots of time to plan (in my head) the blog posts that I want to do but hardly any time to post it. Why is that so?


There is a new man in my life! 🙂

Actually he is almost 4 months now, and it is getting slightly easier, or rather, I have gotten more used to the sleepless nights once again.  The first few months I got by with lots of pre-delivery posts that I have already prepared and stored away. Now that supply has been used up, so the bad news is, the blog posts will be kind of erratic for a while and not always published on the same day of the week but I will try my best to post once a week. I also can’t check my emails or reply my comments as fast as you send them to me, and I apologize for that.

The good news is, there will be more sewing for boys around here!

But before we turn all our attention to boys sewing, here’s a new one from a sunny spot. I know many of you have been waiting for this. I was super excited too, as I love her style and have sewn at least 3 or 4 pieces from her book – Everyday Clothes for Girls (click on link to read my review)

Without further ado….


This book includes sizes 100-150cm! Which is a super plus point because most girls sewing books go up to 130cm. So this book can really be used for a long time. The clothes are also not kiddy, so I don’t think your tween-age girls will mind. There are also 3 projects for adult sizes for you to make matching Mom and Daughter clothes.


A quick peek at the contents.



Round collar tuck dress


This Frilled Sleeve Airy Blouse is the blouse shown on the cover page. There is a cute bow tie at the back of the neck and you can also see the frills on the sleeves better from the picture below.



Polka Dots Shirt Dress


Salopette Skirt


Simple Dress


Flutter Sleeve Blouse


Collared Shirt


Gaucho Pants


Puff Sleeve Blouse and Flare Skirt

Full Flare A-line Dress and Rucksack


Frilled Collar Lace Blouse and Full Pants


Kilt style Culotte Pants



Dress with Pleats


Salopette Pants


Tuck Skirt and Shoulder Bag


Drop Shoulder Coat


Adult versions available for the following 3 projects
1. Frilled Sleeve Airy Blouse
2. Dress with Tucks
3. Kilt style Skirt (kids version is a culotte pants, but adult version is a skirt)


There is one full sewing lesson for the Dress with Tucks (available in child and adult versions)


Step by step instructions with full color photos.

There are also two “point lessons” with full color photos for making of a loop (for loop and button enclosures) as well as a lesson for making hidden side pockets.


The size chart for this book. Left column states –  Size/Height/Bust/Waist/Hip. All measurements in cm.


How-to-make page – Just follow the numbers and the diagrams.



2 sheets of pattern paper, printed on both sides, making it a total of 4 pattern sheets. Attached to the back of the book.


Title : a sunny spot 女の子のシンプルでかわいい服 (Girls simple and cute clothes)
Author : 村田繭子 (Mayuko Murata)
ISBN : 978-4529054607


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  • Kate May 26, 2015 at 11:24 am

    Excellent review – thank you 🙂

  • Angela May 26, 2015 at 5:35 pm

    Hello Yifarn, These patterns are gorgeous, and it’s great news that they go up to 150cm. But your news!! Congratulations on your little baby boy and to your family too xAngela

  • Lightning McStitch May 26, 2015 at 6:50 pm

    Congratulations! Thanks for the great review and you’re definitely excused for being busy!

  • Flier Judit May 28, 2015 at 4:42 pm

    Congratulations to your family and all the best wishes to you all! What a wonderful news! And thanks for the review this is a must have book for me, can’t wait to read it.

  • marisa May 29, 2015 at 7:37 pm

    Congratulations! I had no idea you were expecting. Such wonderful news!

  • Elizabeth May 31, 2015 at 10:52 pm

    Congratulations! Baby boys are such fun. I have two, though I still mostly end up sewing for my one little girl. (My oldest is 4 and has told me he would much rather me take him to buy pants, and my youngest isn’t yet 2 and none of my books have his size.) I just bought the first of the “A Sunny Spot” books at my local Kinokuniya (I live in Taiwan), having recognized the name from your blog (and, of course, liking the dresses inside!) I got home to find out it was a different one and just recently got my local Japanese-style sewing shop to order the one you reviewed (plus one more), so it will be a while before I buy any more books, I think, but it’s nice to see what’s inside this one. I purchased most of the English translations, and they have empowered me to try out some of the Japanese language ones. (My baby is almost two, and I still haven’t figured out how to post any reviews with any regularity, so well done getting this one up.)

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