Today we will attach the pockets to the outer/surface fabric dress and sew the necklines+armholes.
Did you remember to transfer the pocket positions on the pattern onto your fabric? I forgot, so had to dig it out again 🙂
Anyway, for each size there are 2 dashed lines. I was sewing 110, so I’ve highlighted the lines above.
Now place your pocket onto the right side of the outer/surface fabric dress with the top of pocket meeting the markings from the pattern. Note that both pockets are positioned more towards the front of the dress. But if you want to change the position, feel free to do so. Just remember to put it at the same position for the other pocket so that it will look symmetrical.
Sew down the left, bottom and right sides 0.3cm from the edge.
Now place the flap in line with the marking for the flap (from the pattern). This line is actually 1.2cm above the pocket line, which means the bottom of the flap will now overlap the top of the pocket by a little.
Sew it down at the 1.5cm mark. Now it will look like this.
I took a couple of photos for this picture but somehow the settings were off and it came out blur with the wrong colors! Arrgghh.. .tried to color correct in photoshop but this was the clearest i could get. Anyway, you should get the idea, you need to tuck the top layer over the bottom.
Pocket flap sewn. I used cotton lawn for the dress plus the pockets. Very soft and a bit crumpled, so hard to get it flat for a nice photo without ironing. 🙁 But it should be comfy to wear!
Now your pocket should look like this.
Now we are going to sew the surface fabric and lining fabric dresses together.
First, insert the lining fabric dress inside the surface fabric dress, with their right sides facing together.
Align and Pin down shoulder and neckline edges as well as armholes.
Mark the shoulder seam allowances (1cm) and make another mark 1 cm before the shoulder seam.
Sew along the neckline and armholes. Stopping at the “+” marks.
Do the same for the back. Sew around neckline and marked lines for centre slit.
After sewing, cut the centre slit open.
Clip curves around necklines, armholes and back slit.
Step 5
This step is similar to another step on pg 59, so in the book it asks us to refer to this diagram.
Flip the dress so that the surface fabric is facing out.
Turn the dress inside out.
Match up shoulder seams for surface fabric.
This is what you should have after sewing.
Top stitch around necklines and armholes 0.3cm from the edge.
This is what you should have at the end of Day 2.
Tomorrow we will gather the skirt and finish up the dress!
Happy sewing!
ETA : Great news! This book is now available in English and the title is called Linen, Wool, Cotton Kids
Buy now from Amazon (affiliate link)
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