This blog post was supposed to be up last week but I couldn’t finish it as I was away for a short vacation. Came back and found more new books waiting to be discovered! June seems to be Boutique-sha’s favourite month for publishing books. Lots of new books from them this month.
Wherever possible, I have added sizing information from the information listed on the publisher’s website or from the book preview images. But there are some books with no information on the sizes so if you don’t see it listed it’s probably not available online. Sorry!
For boys and girls, sizes 70-100cm
Japanese Title :着ごこちのいい小さな子の服
Translated Title : Kids Wardrobe (Comfortable Clothes for little children)
Author/ Publisher :野木陽子 Yoko Nogi
ISBN/ASIN :9784529056977
For babies 70-90cm, For kids 90-120cm
Japanese Title : 男の子と女の子のまいにちパンツ (Lady Boutique Series No 4428)
Translated Title : Daily Trousers for Boys and Girls
Author/ Publisher : Boutique Sha
ISBN/ASIN : 9784834744286
For girls sizes 90-120cm
Japanese Title :女の子のかんたん夏服
Translated Title : Easy Summer Clothes for Girls
Author/ Publisher :Boutique Sha
ISBN/ASIN :9784834744422
One size pattern only – fits 60-90cm babies
Japanese Title : おしゃれベビーブルマ (Lady Boutique Series 4412)
Translated Title : Fashionable Baby Bloomers
Author/ Publisher : Boutique Sha
ISBN/ASIN :978-4834744125
Ladies Tops Sizes S,M,L,LL
Camisoles, Frilled sleeved blouse. Off shoulder blouse, Volume sleeve blouse etc
Japanese Title :今着たいトップス
Translated Title : Tops I want to wear today
Author/ Publisher : Boutique Sha
ISBN/ASIN :978-4834744323
Free Size only. Pattern sheets include seam allowances.
Japanese Title :AN Linen きぬがわあゆみの大人服
Translated Title : AN Linen – Ladies wear by Kimegawa Ayumi
Author/ Publisher : AN Linen Kimegawa Ayumi
ISBN/ASIN :9784529057059
Dresses without fasteners (zips), loose and stress free clothing without compromising on the form factor. A-line type, side gathers, 3way apron dress, shirt dress, back ribbon closures and more
Japanese Title :手作りワンピース手帖 (Lady Boutiqe Series No. 4425)
Translated Title : Handmade Dresses Handbook
Author/ Publisher : Boutique Sha
ISBN/ASIN :9784834744255
Using piecework techniques to create interesting fabric patterns from solid colors. Then made into tops, skirts, pants, dresses and bags. Very interesting concept and pieces!
Japanese Title : ピースワークの服
Translated Title : Piecework Clothes
Author/ Publisher :濱田 明日香 Asuka Hamada
ISBN/ASIN :9784579116041
Free size – fits Ladies sizes 7-13. This a book about creating patterns out of straight lines, so there are no paper patterns included for tracing. There are 25 projects in all, including dresses, blouses, tunics, skirts, pants etc.
Japanese Title :月居良子のまっすぐでつくれる服
Translated Title : Yoshiko Tsukiori’s Straight Sewing Clothes
Author/ Publisher : 月居良子 Yoshiko Tsukiori
ISBN/ASIN :9784058007662
Small bags – Totes/ square type pochette, purse, Boston bags, clutches etc.
Japanese Title :小さなバッグ (Lady Boutique Series No. 4420)
Translated Title : Small Bags
Author/ Publisher : Boutique Sha
ISBN/ASIN :9784834744200
Title states Mens-Like bags, but in the detailed description it says that it is more of a neutral unisex design for both men and women. So it’s not a book restricted to Men’s bags, rather, it is a book for everyone. There are supposedly 41 different projects but I can only see 35 on the contents page. There are also 2 lessons for a vivid color tote bag and a 2way shoulder bag.
Japanese Title :メンズライクなバッグ&ポーチ
Translated Title : Mens-Like Bags and Pouches
Author/ Publisher : Shufu to Seikatsu Sha
ISBN/ASIN : 9784391640328
This is more like a reference book than a sewing book by Kurai Muki. I’ve always liked her books for the clear instructions and lessons. But I suspect that being a reference book it might be text heavy and despite the photographs it may be hard to understand fully.
Japanese Title : ロックミシンのソーイングテキスト (Lady Boutique Series No. 4419)
Translated Title : Lock Machine’s (Overlocker/Serger) Sewing Textbook
Author/ Publisher : Kurai Muki
ISBN/ASIN : 9784834744194
Main headlines : 1 pattern 2 different garments (by adjusting lengths) / Straight line cutting and sewing / Indigo Dyeing Bag and lots of Summer related accessories and clothes.
Japanese Title :レディブティック2017年7月号
Translated Title : Lady Boutique 2017 July Edition
Author/ Publisher :Boutique Sha
My handmade declaration! / Dyed in blue for summer / Sense up Lesson for girls pants (kind of means to improve on style) / Best Item – Dresses + Jumper skirt, Apron Dress, 30 types / Simple daily wear etc…
Japanese Title :ミセスのスタイルブック 2017年 盛夏号
Translated Title :Mrs Style Book 2017 Summer Edition
Author/ Publisher : Bunka Publishing
Latest accessories Encyclopedia / Cool goods to survive Summer /
Marine bag and summer motif pouch / popular Zpagetti fashionable bag and more!
Japanese Title : COTTON TIME 2017年 07月号
Translated Title : Cotton Time 2017 July Edition
Author/ Publisher : Shufu to Seikatsu Sha