So I have been busy packing, moving, unpacking for the last one month and even though I planned a couple of posts for the month of June I just could not muster up enough energy to work on it at the end of the day. To make things more tiring, it was also the school holidays and my sister and her family came back for a long visit, so very little got done. But hey it’s July and the kids are back in school so yay now I have time for quick update on new release books I have missed out in June and some coming up in July.
I know that many of you have dropped me emails/messages on translation requests, I will be answering them as fast as I can, sorry for the wait! 🙂
A continuation of the first DouDou book by Sayuri Okawa, here’s another Mama and Daughter twinning book that you need to have! For girls sizes 80-130cm, and Ladies sizes 7-15 (Japanese sizes)
Title : DOUDOUの 女の子とママがお揃いで着たい服
Title (translated) : DOUDOU’s Daughter and Mummy Twinning Sets
Author : Sayuri Okawa
ISBN : 978-4529058124
For Girls Sizes 90-150cm, 28 (dresses) + 2 small items to make.
Title : LaLa Dress 踊りだしたくなる女の子の服
Title (translated) : Lala Dress Girls Dresses that make you want to dance
Publisher : Boutique-Sha
ISBN : 978-4834746327
For Girls Sizes 90-120cm, there are also a few unisex items that boys can wear. This new pattern book is by popular Japanese Instagrammer helium (Yui Nakayama). Her IG feed is gorgeous! I’m just sad my girls are not within the height range for the book, but I guess these clothes do look better on little girls 🙂
Title : こころに寄り添う子ども服 (heliumのソーイングレシピ)
Title (translated) : Helium’s Sewing Recipe – Snuggly Clothes for Kids
Author : helium 中山ゆい
ISBN : 978-4529058117
For boys and girls, but only in 2 sizes 100/110cm. I guess there is an upper limit given that there is only 1m of fabric but I guess this book will be more useful if they covered the smaller size range as well!
Title :1mの布地で作ろう!こどもの服&こもの
Title (translated) : Made with 1m of Fabric! Kids clothes and small goods.
ISBN : 978-4834746310
For kids sizes 90-120cm. This summer edition of Easy Handmade Kids clothes includes a project for making clothes for Sylvanian families! Too bad my girls have outgrown the toys and given them away or this would have been really fun for them.
Title : ハンドメイドのかんたん子ども服2018夏
Title (translated) : Easy Handmade Kids Clothes Summer 2018
ISBN : 978-4834746105
A new book by Yoshiko Tsukiori. Seems like she’s had quite a few pattern books published this year. This time it is a book on comfortable clothes for home and outside wear. Ladies sizes 7-15.
Title : 月居良子の家でも外でも心地よい服
Title (translated) : Comfortable Clothes for Home and Going Out
ISBN : 978-4140312117
Here’s a book with sewing patterns for older ladies, with simple and elegant designs for sizes S,M and L.
Title : 60代からのソーイング
Title (translated) : Sewing from the 60s
ISBN : 978-4834746259
The title of the book is Fabric items/goods made with cut cloth. Cut Cloth is the literal translation of the Japanese term カットクロス which actually kind of means fat quarters or a pre-cut piece of fabric. It is usually a 50x50cm piece of fabric, pre-cut and usually sold individually or as part of a collection, something like a fat quarter pack. This book gives you ideas on what you can make with such small pieces of fabric, and is great for scrap busting!
Title :カットクロスでつくる布こもの
Title (translated) : Fabric goods made with Cut Cloth
ISBN : 978-4579116560
The July issue of Cotton time is full of lovely summery floral fabric ideas! I love that light blue+ lemon yellow floral fabric combo! The main theme for this issue are small wallets that you can fit into small bags. There is also a skirt pattern that you can make in 1 hour, and also as usual, a piece of cut-cloth sample – see the top left of the cover, as well as sample projects you can make with this print.
Title : Cotton Time July 2018
Main theme of this issues – Comfortable Fluffy Summer Wardrobe. Lol. ふんわり (fu-n-wa-ri) means fluffy/airy/gentle. So I am thinking it just means light and flowy clothes for the summer.
Title : Mrs Stylebook
I will be back next week with a book review! I have bought some books lately and I want to get back to my reviews too!