I can’t believe how quickly the months have flown by. Can you believe it is May already? May in Singapore is also known as the dreaded exams month for school kids. So last week I was missing in action because I was busy revising with my oldest for her exams. And yesterday, being the weekend, I attempted to start a new sewing project (more about that in a few weeks time), but had to stop because my needles were blunt and I ran out of new needles!
Anyway, the exams are finally over and I can get back to compiling this month’s new releases.
Yoshiko Tsukiori’s new book – Comfortable and Stylish Clothes
Unfortunately I could not find any preview of this book. Everyone loves Yoshiko Tsukiori right? 🙂
 Sewing Foundation and Basics
No preview available yet but I think this is more like a sewing techniques book. But on the cover it says there are 8 small items, 10 ladies (S-LL), 1 Mens (S-LL) and 6 kids (100-120cm) projects.
Girls Going Out Clothes – the one piece for a special occasion
for 90-120cm sizes
Cotton Time Special Edition – Useful Bags and Accessories
Granny bags, tote bags, pouch and small accessories, 60 projects altogether.
and the usual periodicals….
Mrs Stylebook 2015 May edition
The last book on the list was released in March but I didn’t see it earlier, so here it is…
Girls dresses I want to make
for 100-130cm sizes, the dresses include Party dresses, formal dresses, sweet dress, princess dress, panier and drawers. From the contents page it also looks like there are 2 detailed lessons for 2 of the dresses.
Personally, I’m not so tempted to buy anything this month but that is a good thing, since I still have about 5-6 new books to review. I’m quite curious about the Yoshiko Tsukiori book though, as her designs are usually nice. If I do find a preview anywhere I will be sure to share it.
I’m also interested to see the inside of the Tsukiori book. I supppose I’ll just have to be patient!