New Releases – April 2015

April 12, 2015

This week’s post is a couple of days late, because I am busy customizing a new theme for the blog! It started with me wanting to re-organize the navigation as I find that many of the older articles are buried within the archives. One thing led to another and it evolved into a full site re-design project!  I’m still testing the new template out and trying to get everything right, and I expect to launch it next week, which means the site will have to go down for a little while.

I was so caught up with re-doing the site template that I was wondering if I could get by without posting this week. However, for the past few weeks I’ve been bombarded by so many new book announcements, I really felt like I had to share the new upcoming releases. Spring really is the season for new sewing books! 🙂

To start off, we have another book from FU-KO basics series this time for the adults. (See the review for the girls clothes here) The book is by 美濃羽まゆみ of Fu-Ko Handmade  and it’s called 毎日着たい、手づくり服 (roughly translated as Handmade clothes to wear everyday)


女の子のシンプルでかわいい服  Girls’ Simple Clothes
This book looks promising. For girls sizes 100-150cm.


明日着る服 Clothes to wear tomorrow


好きな布で自分だけの服作り Make clothes for yourself using your favourite fabrics


香田あおいのパターンレッスン 春夏の服 (Sizes 5-15)
Spring Summer Wear


テキスタイル&ソーイング Textiles and Sewing


リバティプリントのアレンジバッグ Bags made with Liberty Print


echinoの布で作るバッグと小物 Bags and Small goods made with echino fabric



茅木真知子ホームクチュールセレクション Machiko Kayaki’s Home Couture Selection



ザ・ワンピース 篠原ともえのソーイングBOOK
The Dress – Tomoe Shinohara Sewing Book

I’m so tempted by so many of the books that have been released this month or are going to be released soon. In particular, I’m quite convinced I want to get the Girls’ Simple Clothes because it covers up to size 150cm. There is no preview of the book as yet so I’m really guessing that it will be good because books by a sunny spot are always good! The Liberty Print Bags Book also looks really tempting, and I’m in love with the echino fabric on the cover of the bags in echino fabric book. Oh… and don’t you just love the styling of the last book by Tomoe Shinohara? The dresses all look so cute! It’s not really my style but I really do love the structured dresses so I am tempted to get it just to have a look.

Which one will you get?

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  • Diana April 12, 2015 at 5:59 pm

    I’m tempted by the Liberty London print bags book. I like the prints, but it’s not really my style to wear them, so bags would be perfect!

  • Jun May 11, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    Does the liberty print bags have patterns in it? I tried googling for it but can’t seem to find any. I just love love love the bags!

    • Japanese Sewing Books May 20, 2015 at 7:20 am

      Yes there are patterns. According to the cover there are 6 patterns for making 27 bags.

  • Annisa June 4, 2015 at 3:08 am

    Thank you for ur very helpfull book review :). Im such a big fan of tunics, do u hv any recommendation of related books?
    Mostly the book ive found about dresses with very few tunics :”(.
    Thx in advance