From this month onwards, I will be blogging once a month about new releases in Japanese Sewing Books. 🙂
The books I have listed are based on their release dates in February. Some of the new magazines due for release in March have already been listed on some online sites, I want to share them too but I have decided that I will leave them for the next month’s so that the content is more organized. Some of the books/magazines listed below have already been released and available for order, while some are due for release nearer the end of the month so you can only pre-order them.
Click on the images will bring you either to the publisher’s page, or Whenever it is possible I will link it to the page which gives you the most information about the book so that you can search for it from your favorite bookstore. Some publishers also provide sample preview pages so if it is available I will link to those pages so that you can see what is inside the book.
Happy Browsing!
Cotton Friend Spring 2014
Cotton Time March 2014 Edition
外国のおばあちゃんが作ってくれたみたいなバッグの本 おうちの小物やスカートも。
Bags,Small Goods, Skirts etc in Foreign Granny style
誌上・パターン塾 Vol.1 トップ編
Pattern drafting for Tops with 22 bodice styles, 26 sleeve styles and 40 collar styles
新米ママもらくらく作れる かわいいベビーグッズ
Cute baby goods for new mummies to make
月居良子の かんたん、かわいい まっすぐソーイング かぶる、まく、はおる
Easy, cute, straight sewing by Tsukikyo Ryoko
(Tip : Click on the image above and you can see some screenshots inside the book by the publisher)
Pochhari Girl’s Sewing Book (L-5L sizes)
First time sewing
More books and magazines coming your way in March! From next month onwards, I will post the new releases on the first week of the month. Stay tuned!
This new “series” of yours is going to lead me to bankruptcy! 🙂
Oooh! I think this is a great series idea! This is going to be fun!
I see all my free time will be sewing time now haha!
I’m interested in this book you posted:誌上・パターン塾 Vol.1 トップ編 and wondering if I should buy it. Will you be posting a review on this book?
Hi Lily, It’s not available here yet but I hope to. I will definitely review it if I can get my hands on it! 🙂
Fantastic, thank you for helping me stay up to date!! Xx
Looks interesting. Since that looks like an adult woman on the cover, I’m wondering if the pocchiari book is a solution for those of us who are just too big for the usual Japanese sizing. Will have to check that one out!
Thank you so much for your reply. I’ve bought quite a few books after reading your book reviews. I love them.