Book Review – Canvas Bags

August 31, 2012

One of my new books, and quite a recent release as well as it was just released on July 24th. I have a weakness for bag pattern books. I first saw this under the new books listed in nihon-vogue’s website. The patterns are very simple but that’s precisely why I like the book. These bags are definitely a lot more useable on a daily basis than the other pretty bag books that I have. But then again, I don’t need to justify making more bags (or buying more books on bags) do I? 😛

All the bags you need. Ok maybe not all. There are 27 bags to make in all, that includes 2 projects which have 2 variations each (patterns c & h).

There are a couple of patterns with variations but basically the same design. I really like the yellow bag with blue lining. Very nice color combination. And the huge pocket in front.

Boat pouch.

2 way bag. Carry it as a tote or with the shoulder strap.

Card case

Small shoulder bag

Eco Bag with a really pretty lining

Beach Rucksack. How Retro!

Bucket Tote

Cake Box Bag! Specially designed to fit a square cake box inside. Great for surprise parties!

Laundry bag.

Sturdy tote for storing books and magazines. Love the idea! There is also a smaller version for keeping CDs.

Travel Bag. So simple and chic.

Since it’s meant to be a book on canvas bags, and not just any bag, it goes without saying that there must be some pages devoted to the topic of Canvas fabric. Other than the different types of fabric, they also cover basic sewing techniques and special notes on thread,needles, application of metal fasteners such as press studs.

There are also two sewing lessons with full step-by-step photographs. Most of the basic techniques are covered by the two lessons, since almost all the bags are variations of the same few techniques, just different in size and design.

Example of the photos included in the sewing lessons.

The rest of the book contain the “how-to-make” and patterns. There are no attached pattern sheets because most of the bags are constructed out of simple shapes. So just follow the diagram and draft out the dimensions for cutting out. There are also some templates included in the last few pages for the designs that need specific patterns. Some of them need to be enlarged. The term for enlarging a template will look something like this – “200%に拡大して使用”  so just follow the numbers to know how much to enlarge it by.

The “how-to-make” include diagrams such as the one above.

Title : 家庭用ミシンで作る 帆布のバッグ
(for home sewing machines) Canvas Bags
ISBN :  978-4-529-05090-6

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  • Cindy September 1, 2012 at 12:05 am

    Oh I like that one!! I just ordered 2 in the mail and cannot wait to get them 🙂 I’ll post them on my blog next week. My favorite is that cake box. What a great gift idea! Cindy

  • pavitra February 10, 2013 at 6:15 pm

    Thanks so much for this. I will have to order it soon…Love the look of this book.