I went away for the long weekend, had a good break but sadly missed the 20% Kinokuniya sale. Feeling a little blue about it so I decided to go yesterday anyway even though there wasn’t a sale going on. Bookshops are my little getaways…
Another sewing magazine review. Cotton Friend usually covers a whole range of crafts, mostly to do with zakka and fabrics. This is the summer edition, and it caught my eye because it says サマーソーイング ”Summer Sewing”.…
One of my new books, and quite a recent release as well as it was just released on July 24th. I have a weakness for bag pattern books. I first saw this under the new books listed in nihon-vogue’s website. The patterns are very…
So glad it’s Friday at last. Do you look forward to book reviews on Fridays? Today’s title is シンプル&デサイン おんなの子服 おとこの子服。Directly translated it’s Simple & Design Girls and Boys clothes. I am guessing the “&” is redundant here. Simple Design clothes for Girls and Boys? This…
What do you do with the excess fabric leftover from your sewing projects? I keep my small pieces usually for doing test runs before actual sewing or serging, and at other times I make dresses for my kids’ dolls. But I always seem to…
So I finally bought my serger, so the first thing I needed was a book that would teach me how to sew with one. I wanted to get this book but it was out of stock in the bookshop. So I bought the next…
I’m finally going to make this dress!…
The title of today’s book review is ゆったりだけどすっきりシルエットの大人服 This was a tricky one. The direct translation on Google translate said “Loose but Clear Silhouette Adults Clothes”. I take it as Loose = Easy fitting/easy to wear, Clear Silhouette = Well defined lines (despite it being…
There are lots of free pattern resources out there, but there are also many with more text than pictorial instructions. Which makes it hard to understand given the way Google auto-translates, which tends to be inaccurate when the grammar pattern of the target language…
This post was due yesterday but I was caught up with a little project. Those of you who follow me on Facebook may have seen a youtube bag making video that I posted a few days ago. That project is from this book, and…