Happy Monday! It’s back to school for us today and I had to wake up in the dark again. I miss the holidays already!
Here’s something to cheer us up on a Monday. Another free pattern! Today’s free pattern is great for people who don’t have sewing machines as well, as it is a hand sewing pattern.
The pattern is from this site called http://yummy.ciao.jp. You can browse through her website and her gallery to see all the items she made. It’s amazing!
There is, however, only two free patterns. But her free pattern is very pretty!
There are lots of free felt food patterns out there but I chose this one because her instructions are very clear with step by step photos. So there is not much need for translation. The free pattern is located here. http://yummy.ciao.jp/muryouhaihuheartkreamcake.html And when you get to this page, click the links below to find the instructions and patterns.
Please also note the terms of use : If you use this pattern or product made from this pattern for your auction, bazaar, event, please give credit to “paper pattern of yummy!felt http://yummy.ciao.jp”
Happy Sewing!