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free japanese sewing patterns

New Year, New Schedule

This is my first post of 2013. I’m sorry it has taken so long. This year we took our holidays one week later than usual. When we got back, there was only 1 week to finish preparing everything for the new school year, not…

January 7, 2013

Free Patterns – Making small goods out of an old kimono

Today’s free pattern find is not from a free pattern or sewing website. It is actually some kind of magazine website where they introduce interesting products (and also the link to the online shop where you can buy them). The website is called 毎日が発見 (Daily…

December 3, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Patternshop Snowwing

Another busy week, and it’s only Monday! This week is exams week and so there is very little time for surfing and posting in the day. But finally the girls are off to bed and even though all I want to do is to…

October 29, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Maternity and Kids goods

Today’s free pattern is mostly about bags. Lovely lovely bags, made from beautiful fabrics with very practical designs. The free patterns are from a blog called こだわり出産・育児グッズ The title actually means Childbirth and kids goods. Check out her free patterns + how-to make posts.…

October 8, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Pattern – Tamanegi Kobo

Today’s free patterns are from a site that sells PDF patterns, called Tamanegi-Kobo. They have patterns for both adults and kids, and there are even some PDF patterns in English! They sell to international customers but they do not ship the paper patterns internationally.…

October 1, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Pattern – Kabanhime

Sorry for the late post. Was trying to (obsessing) finish up a dress. Do you know that feeling? 😛 Anyway, today’s title is not strictly correct, because today’s free “patterns” site doesn’t provide any patterns, but shows us how she  made the following items…

September 25, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Macaroon Pouch

Have you seen the uber cute macaroon pouches? They are cute and tiny  and you can customize them using embroidery, fabrics, even crochet. All you need are some scrap fabrics, a zip and some large covered buttons. Here are some free (with great photo…

September 17, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Pattern – ham*a

Back to school! I can’t decide if I like school holidays. I enjoy the sleeping in, but by mid week I’m out of ideas to entertain the kids. It didn’t help that the weather was really bad for outdoor activities last week. Anyway, I…

September 10, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Sew.Co World by Brother

Today’s free pattern comes from Sew.Co World, which is a website by Brother, and Sew Co. World is a site set up for Brother users to share their sewing projects. There are also some free patterns available for download on the website. Here are…

August 20, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Nunotoiro

I’ve been doing alot of sewing this weekend, in preparation for my daughter’s birthday party next weekend. I had a lot of IKEA fabric leftover from my fabric stash. Bright colorful animal print that I really wouldn’t use in the house, so I used…

August 13, 2012