Free Japanese Sewing Pattern – UneUneGoroGoro

April 30, 2012

What a cute name!  Today’s blog is called UneUne GoroGoro うねうねごろごろ ( 日々をうねうね 日々をごろごろ)

Google translate tells me it means Winding Purring (Winding everyday, Purring everyday). I don’t understand winding is but I am guessing this lady likes cats? 🙂 It doesn’t matter because she makes the cutest things!

I was drawn to this site because my little one likes cats. So when I saw the little cat pouch above, I had to make one for her 🙂 The little bear is cute too, I can put in some beads and make it into a paperweight!

First of all, her website link is here where you can see all the beautiful things she has made. She has also provided a page with links to her free patterns here – . Some of them require you to download a PDF template. Just look out for the file extension .pdf and click on it. (See below)

The others that do not require templates are like simple bags and pouches, which are basically constructed from rectangles, so just click on the blog post and the detailed instructions will be there. I used Google translate on the how-to-make page and it gave me this. Comparing to the original Japanese Instructions :

頭用の布 7×7cm 5枚    (Cloth for head – 7x7cm 5 pieces)
耳用の布 3.5×4~5cm 2枚
ボディ用の布 7×7cm 5枚  (Cloth for body – 7x7cm 5 pieces)
3mm紐 8cm 4本 (3mm cord, 8cm long, 4pcs)
ウッドビーズ 2個(上記紐が通る物)
フェルト 2.5×1.5cm 1枚

Google translate messed up the body, head and cord translations by trying to translate them into sentences and rearranging the numbers, so sometimes it might be better to use a combination of both, just to decipher the part (i.e. head/ear/body in this case) you are making, but use the dimensions from the Japanese version to avoid confusion.

The rest of the pattern is quite easy, because she has  step by step photographs for some of them.

And scroll down to the bottom of the page, you will find more archived free pattern links.

Happy Sewing!

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