I recently discovered C’hufs – a free web magazine for handmade goods! It’s full of eye candy and inspiration, lovely pictures, creative ideas, and best of all, free patterns!
Cover of the latest edition. Visit the main site at http://chufs.cc/index.html and click on the banner to view the magazine. The rest of the archived issues are found at the bottom of the page. Click on their respective covers to view the past issues.
Clicking on any of the web magazine covers will bring you to this emagazine reader. Flip through the magazine easily with the navigation buttons.
Browsing through, you will find a mix of craft projects, not just for sewing. The web magazine is basically a showcase for crafters, online craft shops, advertisers etc. Luckily, the free pattern and recipe (how-to-make) links are included all in one convenient page. http://chufs.cc/handmade/recipe.html
Here, you will find all the free how-to-makes consolidated from the past issues. They are grouped by project types. Just click on the different links to access the page.
Some of the projects included. They are mostly simple DIY zakka or clothing projects.
Here’s an exampls of what the project page looks like.
Some detailed step by step photos are included, there are also others that use diagrams instead. They are mostly very simple projects, great for beginners.
Even though the projects are simple, the photography, styling and magazine layout are all professionally done. Just flipping through the magazine is great fun!
Hope you like today’s free pattern link. Have a good weekend!
Wow, this is really neat. Thanks for sharing this info.
Thank you so much for your wonderful articles! You make so much info available to us zakka lovers who don’t read Japanese. Yayyyyy! Arrigato!