Hello everyone! I wasn down last week with a bad flu I think from too much sewing the last month ;P So I took a break. Hope you had fun with the giveaway! I have been reading the comments and I really thank you all for leaving such sweet comments and not just telling me what book you want, but actually saying how much you love the site.
I have been thinking about how to improve the content on my site and like I mentioned last year, I will be doing more sewing for boys this year. There are so many sites and patterns devoted to girls patterns so I like to work on something a little different. Also, I will be drafting a some basic patterns over the year that will be great for beginners and of course available for free download. I will try my best to create video tutorials with these free patterns. Last but not least, Japanese Sewing Book reviews will of course be part of the menu since this is after all, a website about Japanese Sewing Books!
And another important announcement. I will be accepting Translation Requests once again! Which means you will be able to send me your terms/patterns for translation. If you are new to my blog and have no idea how to submit your request, please read the following page.
To kick start off what I hope will become regular blogging schedule, here are some new releases from the first quarter of this year for your shopping pleasure. Some of the books will only be released in March so not many photos yet. I have roughly translated the titles and linked them to either cdJapan (affiliate links), amazon, or the publishers website where you can view more details of the book. Happy Shopping!
No pattern required, start with a rectangular piece of fabric.
Fold, Cut and Sew – Clothes you can make yourself
ISBN No. : 9784579115976
Clothes that are 20cm Below the Knee
14 Patterns 27 Variations from skirts to design pants. Plus bonus patterns for Pullovers and Under sarouel pants.
Kamakura Swany’s Everyday Enjoyable Fashionable Clothes
Ladies sizes – S,M,L,LL
ISBN No. : 9784391639612
Attaching Fasteners/Zippers for First Timers – For Bag and Clothes
Bags, Pouches, Dresses, Parkas etc. 10 ways of attaching fasteners with detailed photographs
ISBN No. : 9784537214499
Pretty Silhouette – Mens’ Pants
S, M, L , XL, XXL
(intro from Amazon.co.jp – Introduced from basic straight pants, short length, cargo pants, jog pants, overalls with detailed method of making. With size pattern of S, M, L, XL, XXL, S size is a unisex design that women can wear)
ISBN No.: 978-4579116010
Pants Pattern Magazine Vol. 3
Using 4 patterns, Create 52 different base patterns for an unlimited number of variations (length/volume etc)
ISBN No. : 9784579073474
School Goods by Handmade Authors
(the handmade authors here probably refers to popular craft/handmade bloggers/designers)
ISBN No : 978-4834743340
Things I want to make for my Kids
From school goods, to everyday use, bags and small items.
ISBN No.: 978-4-529-05649-6
and the periodicals
Lady Boutique
Mrs Style Book Spring 2017
Cotton Time March 2017
Cotton Friend Spring 2017
Sutekini Handmade
Love the simplicity