Today’s free pattern find is not from a free pattern or sewing website. It is actually some kind of magazine website where they introduce interesting products (and also the link to the online shop where you can buy them). The website is called 毎日が発見 (Daily Discovery).
The free patterns are excerpts from books sold on their website. The patterns above are mostly from a book called きものをリフォーム (Remodelleing a kimono). I only found this page by chance because one of my readers wrote to ask me if I could locate a pattern for a cross back apron. This was the closest I found to a pattern for an adult size cross back apron.
The other two projects are rather interesting as well. The first bag is a really cute Japanese drawstring bag, and the second pattern is for a beret with a matching corsage. You can make them with any fabric of course, doesn’t have to be a spare kimono. I’m not sure if many of us have a spare kimono lying around waiting to be remodelled. 🙂
The bag on the top right is from another book どんな布も生かすリメイク (Remaking using any cloth) and it’s basically a flower bag using two pieces of square fabrics. It can be handkerchiefs, fabric remnants, even kimonos. It is really pretty!
Instructions are provided in step by step pictures. Some drafting and measuring has to be done, since there are no actual patterns to download. But the measurements are provided in diagrams, so it shouldn’t be hard to follow.
The link to the free patterns for the 3 kimono fabric patterns is here
and the link to the cloth recycling flower bags is here –
Hope you like these patterns!
Hello, I wonder if you could recommend any books on how to recycle/remodel old Kimono in to western clothing? (Translated in to English would be ideal!)
Many thanks
Hi Felicity, I haven’t come across any that have been translated into English, but here’s an example of a Japanese version きものリメイク スタイルブック 全作品製図つき [単行本] The keywords are きものリメイク (Kimono Remake), if you search using those words you can find many books on the subject.
neither of these links are working and i really want to make these projects!
where can I find a free pattern for the alamodeus: Japanese aprons or wrap apron?