Book Review – Camisole & Cami-onepiece

April 12, 2012

I’ve been sewing for about 6 years now, and the hobby started because I wanted to sew pretty dresses for my girls. This explains why most of the books in my collection are for little girls. I did think about sewing for myself too, but most of the books I’ve seen tend toward baggy, flowy dresses that look good in the photographs but not quite what I would wear myself. However, I’ve recently discovered the Pochée series. In fact the first book I have from Pochée is a kids special with patterns for kids. Just a couple of weeks ago I reviewed another Pochée book which is about tops that go well with denim. I’ve already made two tops from that! The reason why I like their books is because I can find many designs that I would actually make and wear. Secondly, the books usually include a few step by step lessons which really does away with the need to translate any of the instructions. So it’s a great book if it is your first time buying a Japanese sewing book!

So why am I reviewing another Pochée book so soon? 🙂 Just last Thursday I was feeling a little down and dreading the weekend so I went down to my favouite Kinokuniya bookstore 45 minutes before closing time, just to browse and hopefully find something to lift my spirits 🙂 I wasn’t disappointed.

The cami-onepiece on the cover itself is a winner. I’m definitely making this 🙂

Front and back views. Love the pintuck details and the cross back! This dress was made using double gauze though, and I’m having a hard time finding it in plain solid colors. There are lots of double gauze fabrics on etsy but mostly prints. I realized I have some myself from my previous trips to Japan. But all with cutesy prints. Lol…

Some of the other camis and dresses in the book. I love how they layer the military looking jacket with the sheer cami-onepiece.

Another interesting feature. These two designs can be worn either ways. Back to front or front to back, depends on your mood and how you choose to co-ordinate!

And check this out. Step by step photographs on how to make this blue top! Very detailed instructions on how to create the neatest pintucks ever!

Cute sunshine-y halter top. Also with step by step lesson. You can learn the shirring technique from this lesson.

And now for some important information. This book covers the following sizes S,M and L based on the following measurements. The column on the left says bust, waist, hip and height. The most important measurements are the bust waist and hip. As long as you can fit into those, you can adjust the length of the tops and onepieces according to your own height by extending the patterns to fit your own waistline and height.

The book also includes patterns for co-ordinates to go with your camisoles.

And of course the how-to-make section for the other pieces that did not have step by step photographs.  The procedures are listed in order with diagrams for each step.

Close up of the diagrams included in the how-to-make section

There are a total of 10 different camisoles/cami-onepieces  as well as 3 different co-ordinating garments in this book. As well as 5 detailed sewing lessons  with step by step photographs.

ISBN : 978-4-529-04834-7
Title : キャミソール&キャミワンピ Camisole & Cami-onepiece
Publisher : Nihon Vogue

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  • Jitka January 21, 2014 at 12:23 am

    Hi, thank you for all the reviews, its brilliant to know what the books are inside too:-) especialy when I dont know the language. But, I really like the ‘camisole – cami-one piece’ and have no idea how could i bought it and if by any chance it has been translated to english. I am looking for this type of patterns for quite some time and it seems that I found it at last:-) Thank you. J

  • Maria January 26, 2015 at 4:43 pm

    Hi, I am a fellow Japanese Pattern book addict, and I have fallen in love with the one. I know I am a few years behind, but would you know where I could find this one, please. I have searched, but it seems to be out of print… Thank you, M

    • Japanese Sewing Books February 2, 2015 at 10:16 am

      Hi Maria,
      Yes it seems to be out of print, but there are some 3rd party sellers on that will ship domestic. You may need to use a 3rd party Buy from Japan service or a shipping forwarding service to purchase it. Sorry I can’t be of much help, it’s out of stock on most of my regular sources as well. The other alternative is to ask around Etsy? There are some book sellers based in Japan who may be able to order it online and list it for you in their stores. You can ask Nobuko from JapanLovelyCrafts. She’s my sponsor and she has alot of sewing books listed on her Etsy store.

  • Maria February 4, 2015 at 2:17 am

    Hi, I was very excited to have found a copy of this book on EBay, and thank heavens there was a “buy now” button.
    So it is now in transit, I can’t wait to get it. I will be making some for this summer, for sure.
    Thank you for checking for me, and I love your website.