Book Review – Fashionable clothes for girls

February 16, 2012

This week’s book review is about pure eye candy 🙂

The book title is 女の子のおしゃれ服, by 荒木由紀。Google tells me it means Fashionable clothes for girls.

I love the pictures in this book. The little girl is so cute!

When I flip through books to decide if I will buy it, it almost always depends on whether there are dresses in there that will catch my eye and make me want to make it, or something I know my girls will wear. This one is a different style from the usual dresses I make, but I know my girls will like it. It’s so smart looking. They’ll probably prefer tights with it though 🙂

And this dress is the reason why I bought this book. Ever since my daughter read the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder (my fave books!), she’s been wanting a brown poplin dress just like Laura’s. I bought the perfect brown with white polka dots fabric (supposedly Japanese fabric) from Spotlight a few months ago, but never knew which pattern to use. This looks perfect!

Not just dresses, there are blouses, pants, and  even a nice padded long jacket for the colder months.(Doesn’t apply here in Singapore so I guess I won’t be using this) But it’s cute!

So the reason why I said this book is eye candy is because it has not much instructional photos. Not like the previous ones I’ve reviewed. However, for the dress on the cover, there are a two pages of photos showing you how to attach the floral fabric to the shirt collar.

The rest of the how-to-make’s are shown like this below. Instead of numbers pointing to one diagram, there are actually separate diagrams for different steps which is pretty easy to understand. I guess that makes up for the lack of photos.

Altogether, the book covers 6 tops, 5 dresses, 3 skirts, 4 pants, 2 coats, 1 bag, 1 hat, 1 corsage, and as an added bonus, 2 mama sized matching garments (1 dress and 1 blouse)

Book Title : 女の子のおしゃれ服
Author : 荒木由紀
ISBN : 978-4-529-04526-1

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  • Martina January 2, 2013 at 5:42 am

    I borrowed this book from my friend and there are so many beautifull clothes.. I want to have this book in my sewing books library! Do you have any idea where I can get it? :o)
    Thanx a lot!

    • Japanese Sewing Books January 2, 2013 at 9:41 am

      Hi Martina, I have the link at the end of the blog post to where you can buy the book –女の子のおしゃれ服 but somehow the picture is not showing up on the website. The ISBN number and book title is correct though, but without seeing the product image to confirm it might be hard for you to decide to purchase. Alternatively you can try Etsy? If you really can’t locate it I could order it for you, but you might have to wait if the book is not in stock.

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