Book review – Handmade Zakka

May 13, 2013

One of my first handmade Zakka book in my collection. This book was published in 2004 so it’s 9 years old! The good thing about Zakka craft books is that they never go out of fashion.

The book is divided into 3 main section based on fabric type. Liberty fabric, Linen & Lace, Check & Stripe.

Can you see the Liberty fabric peeking from the bag lining? It may seem like a waste of a beautiful fabric, but I have always believed that the lining of a bag is just as important as the surface fabric.

The instructions are provided in charming hand drawn diagrams.

There are also some simple garments you can make from this book. There are no full size patterns included in the book, so the few garments included can be constructed out of basic shapes and curves. Like this lace top.

I have never really had the need for a tea cozy. But this is really pretty!

Pretty lace and linen cushions with different methods of enclosure.

What’s a Chouchou? It mut be french but searching it on Google left me more confused. In this book it is referring to the scrunchy.

Co-ordinated set of personal accessories.

The instructions page looks like this. There seems to be a lot of wordy instructions, but there are diagrams to refer to. Most of the projects are rather simple anyway and should not be difficult to figure out without understanding the text instructions fully.

As mentioned earlier, there are no full pattern sheets attached to this book. Most of the patterns are constructed based on the dimensions provided in the diagrams for each pattern.

For applique and other odd shaped small size patterns, the patterns are printed on the back pages of the book for you to trace and use.

Title :  のんびり気分で作りたいもの―handmade ZAKKA
Author : mihox & H.H.
ISBN : 978-4579109982
Publisher : 文化出版局


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  • Thewallinna May 15, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    I’ve never really looked inside zakka books! But reading more about them from your blog I become addicted 🙂

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