nani IRO collection 2018 – Part 3

March 21, 2018

Part 3 of the nani IRO 2018 collection and I will try to wrap things up today to get started on a translation request for the new book. Today’s post is mainly about the other substrates, the nani IRO Basic range as well as the new Colors range.

First up is the quilted range. A selection of each year’s new collection plus a few of past year’s popular colors will be made into pre-quilted fabrics.


These 8 fabrics were made into quilted fabrics, the top two are from previous years – Birds Eye and Lei Nani. The bottom two are from this year’s collection. Grace and Mercy. Apparently the Grace quilts are already all sold out! (at least according to the official website).




The above 4 Double Gauzes from Mercy, Situation, Pippre and Encounter are also available as laminates. This is a single side matt laminate applied on the front of the fabric, so the back of it is still fabric and it’s not 100% waterproof like PVC/nylon tafetta. But this is good enough for making bags because it keeps moisture and dirt off the surface. I have some laminated nani IRO fabric in my stash that I used for a wallet tutorial a few years ago.

The other laminated fabric is this Wildflower (old design but new 2018 color). This is a 100% linen fabric that has been laminated not just on the front, but also some kind of laminating/waterproofing process was done to the wrong side as well according to the description. So this should be more sturdy and waterproof compared to the single side laminates?  I think this (on top of of the fact that linens are usually more expensive), is the reason why the fabric is 3700 yen/m before tax! But it is certainly a beautiful shade of blue which will be really


2018 Basic

Now let’s move on to the Basic range. Some of the popular past year designs have been moved into the basic range, and released in new colorways. However, the colorways have been renamed to simply A,B,C,D….and so on. So if you think you are seeing double and want to avoid re-buying the same fabrics, read on to see which are the new colors!

Design : Wild flower
Substrate : thin linen
The yellow and blue are new colorways, but the one on the left is from 2017, previously called Nibi and now, simply Wild Flower B.


Design : Birds Eye
Substrate : Double Gauze
The 3 colors on the right are new colorways. The two on the left are from 2016 basic range. They were previously called ranman and ibuki. Now simply Birds Eye A and Birds Eye B


Design : Fuccra : rakuen
Substrate : Double gauze
Design on the left was formally known as Phi phi, now known as Fuccra : rakuen A
The other 3 are new colorways. Love love love the one on the right! 🙂


All new colors and also a new substrate (linen) for the rakuen series. I can’t decide which one I like best because I love them all.


Design : Lei nani
Substrate : Double Gauze
At first glance you might think these are new colors, but I think these are old colors from 2016 but they were previously released in other substrates. The left should be Bugen and the right is Sea Hawaii (previously in linen). The left one in pink looks like a different color in every single picture I have seen.


Design : Lei nani
Substrate : Cotton Sateen
Finally! I think my favorite substrate from the past few years must be the cotton sateen! Thin and drapey, lovely sheen and lovely for clothes. This is a brand new color and subtrate and yes I have ordered it already. 🙂



Colorful Pocho

Any fan of nani IRO will recognize her signature print immediately. Colorful Pochos in double gauze are super cute not just for kidswear, but add a pop of color to anything! Bags, linings, shirt cuffs…. The colorful pocho range refers to colorful dots on a solid background.

This year’s color range. I recognize some of the colorways but can’t be 100% sure. The navy certainly looks new.


Organic Pocho

More Pocho! But this time in Organic fabric! I think this is the first time I have seen organic double gauze in the nani IRO range. The organic range (picture below) is made in double gauze and will be perfect for making baby clothes and kidwear! The price is 1400yen, only 100yen more per m compared to the regular double gauze. Considering how double gauze is already so soft and comfortable for babies and kids, this organic range will definitely be a favorite among mothers and kids.


Pocho Petit

The classic print downsized! This is so so so so so cute!!!! I have never made myself a Pocho garment because I find it too cutesy for an adult. But I think this smaller print will be perfect! And guess what? It is made in cotton sateen so I’m thinking blouses, dresses…. so pretty 🙂


One more! Lots of new introductions this year!

This new series is called Naomi Ito Colors – and it consists of solid colors in various substrates. These colors are mindfully selected to co-ordinate perfectly with the rest of the collection, as you can see later in some of the book images.

Most noticeably, the linen range comes listed in a few different series on the website and I really can’t tell if some of the colors are repeated because they look so similar yet they are listed as different colors?


Other than linen there are solid cotton sateens, cotton linen herringbone, brushed cotton linen herringbone (picture below)


I think the colors are mostly chosen to match the colors of the main design range. I did notice lots of blues/greens in different hues. So you can see it’s not really meant to be a rainbow color selection of colors, but more of a complementary selection to the main series.


Wanted to point out this new substrate called linen gauze. While the other fabrics in the Colors series are solid colors, I love this one because it has an uneven coloring which makes it look more unique.


This brings us to the end of the nani IRO 2018 collection. I hope it was helpful especially in deciphering all the different substrate types.

As part of nani IRO month, I will be doing a translation request from her new book (Shirt P which is also a variation of dress N and O). Will probably be able to post it up end of this week so stay tuned!


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