New Releases – April 2017

April 22, 2017

Here are more new releases for the month of April. As usual, all the information you need to search for the books are included below the images.


Title : ハンドメイドベビー服enannaの90~130センチサイズのこども服
Translated title : Handmade Baby Clothes enanna 90-130cm size Kids Clothes
Author :   朝井 牧子 (著)
ISBN : 978-4528021457
Buy Now from cdJapan (affiliate link)

I’ve bought previous enanna books before and although I liked the designs and patterns, I always found the range of sizes to be limiting. In fact, my girls outgrew the books even before I had a chance to use them. So the good news is that this new book includes 90cm-130cm sizes yay!



Title : イマドキ女の子のおしゃれな普段着 (Heart Warming Life Series)
Translated title : Ok I’m not sure if the Imadoki in the title (in Katakana) actually refers to the hiragana meaning, and is being used for emphasis, or does this Imadoki actually means something else. If it is used for the Japanese meaning, then it means These Days Girls’ Fashionable Everyday Clothes (like, literally)
Author :  PATTERNSHOP COZY 堀後雅美 (著)
ISBN : 978-4529056687
Buy Now from cdJapan (affiliate link)



Title : 女の子のとっておきスカート (レディブティックシリーズno.4373)
Translated Title : Lovely Skirts for Little Girls (Lady boutique series no. 4373)
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN : 978-4834743739
Buy Now from cdJapan (affiliate link)



Title : シルエットのきれいなワンピース (レディブティックシリーズno.4366)
Translated title : Dresses with Beautiful Silhouettes (Lady Boutique Series No. 4366)
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN : 978-4834743661
Buy Now from cdJapan (affiliate link)

Another book from the Lady Boutique series, I do like the simple cut of these dresses but I was wondering if the model is way too skinny for the dresses (like is she off the standard measurement size chart) or are the dresses meant to be slightly baggy?



Title : ファスナーつきのスカート&パンツ (レディブティックシリーズno.4360)
Translated Title : Skirts and Pants with Fasteners (Zippers)
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN : 978-4834743609
Buy Now from cdJapan (affiliate link)

24 styles of bottoms that use zipper closures, for sizes S,M,L and LL



Title : クライ・ムキの暮らしの大人服 – 絶妙パターンで着やせ効果も
Translated Title : Kurai Muki Living’s Ladies Wear – Magical patterns that have slimming effect!
Author : Kurai Muki
ISBN : 978-4074221264
Buy Now from cdJapan (affiliate link)

Kurai Muki is one of my favourite pattern designers because her instructions are always so clear and fool-proof. I refer to her books over and over again and I was almost going to add this to the cart without thinking until I saw one of the reviews on Amazon saying that the patterns were mostly similar and looked like her grandmother’s clothes. The other reviewer said that an addition of lace to the sleeve was considered a pattern variation. So yes I’m holding on till I see more of the book.



Title : わたしの好きな、ミニマルな10着 シルエットにこだわった10のパターンとアレンジ
Translated Title : My 10 favourite Minimalistic Clothes
Author : 平 真実
ISBN : 978-4579116119

From the preview pages, I must say that I like this book already! 10 patterns only as stated in the title, but I think there are quite a few projects I feel like making AND wearing just from the preview pages. Sometimes it’s better to get 10 good patterns than a book with lots of patterns but nothing to make?



Title : 大切に作って大切に着る大人服
Translated Title : Adult Clothing to Cherish carefully (so says Google Translate!)
Author : 小林 紫織
ISBN :978-4579116096

Ok so I’m not familiar with how this term is used, 大切に means carefully? So in the first part of the title it’s Carefully make and the second half it means to Carefully wear Adult Clothing. So I guess since you have carefully made the clothes you should wear them with great care :P. Anyway the important thing you need to know is that there are 5 sizes, S,M,ML,L and LL. I actually like this “new” size ML, which I have seen in some of the sewing books. It’s great for in betweens like me. 😛



Title : ずっと好きな服。 一つのパターンから、かんたんアレンジいろいろ
Translated Title : Clothes you will always love. One pattern, many easy arrangements (variations)
Author : Quoi?Quoi?(コアコア)
ISBN : 978-4579116133

A new sewing book by Quoi?Quoi?  Not many preview images yet as it is not officially released yet. I initially thought, based on the title, that there was only one pattern. Instead, from what I could see from the contents page, there are patterns for tops, dresses, pants and skirts. And for each pattern there are 3 variations.



Title : いつか着る服、いつも着る服
Author : Machiko Kayaki
ISBN : 978-4579116102
Buy Now from cdJapan (affiliate link)

Another new book by Machiko Kayaki (author of Skirt ala carte and Simple Chic and many more) This one is about dresses that you can wear for  both daily and formal occasions. I am particularly taken with the bottom right dress in blue, with the interesting bodice and skirt tucks as well as cap sleeve details.


and this month’s periodical


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