The annual slowdown for new Japanese sewing books releases has begun, as we see more crochet+knitting books hit the shelves instead of sewing books. Nevertheless, there will always be new books to buy. Many of them are released for the Autumn/Winter seasons, just in time for those of you who are lucky enough to enjoy 4 seasons. As usual, I will be including the titles, and ISBN/ASIN numbers to make it easy for you to search or request them from your local Japanese bookstore. You can also choose to buy them by clicking the links n my blog post. These are affiliate links to CDJapan, my usual source for Japanese sewing books! Happy shopping!
Dresses and Co-ordinates that make you look slim!
Title : 着やせする! ワンピース&コーディネートLesson
Author :泉 繭子
ISBN No. : 978-4579115853
I just ordered this from cdjapan. I see a pattern here. Everytime I write a new releases post I always end up checking out (literally!) some sewing books. I will post a review of this book if it’s good!
Lilla Blomma’s Ladies wear
Title : Lilla Blommaの大人服
Author : Lilla Blomma
ISBN No. : 978-4529056212
Cotton Friend Kids 2016-2017 Autumn Winter
Title : コットンフレンドキッズ! 2016-2017 Autumn-Winter
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN : 978-4834743036
Looks like lots of winter sewing in this one, I like the duffel coat that the boy is wearing!
Easy Handmade Kids Clothes
Title : ハンドメイドのかんたん子ども服2016-2017秋冬
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN :978-4834742923
The second part of the title mentions low back? But it’s not all low back dresses. But in the preview of the contents it doesn’t look like all low back pieces, so I’m not sure what it means in the title. There are tops, bottoms, dresses and outerwear garments in this book.
Ladies wear straight line sewing without patterns.
Title : まっすぐ縫って作れる、背が低めな人のための大人服
Author : by
ISBN : 978-4416616505
Handmade Clothes that make you look slim
Title : 手作りのやせ見え服
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN : 978-4834743029
Easy sewing for Ladies 2016-2017 Autumn/Winter
Title : 大人のかんたんソーイング 2016-2017秋冬
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN : 978-4834742909
Standard/Original Men’s Clothes (S-3L)
Title : パタンナー金子俊雄の本格メンズ服
Author :
ISBN : 978-4529056397
(release date : 26 November 2016)
This book looks interesting, not many books released for Mens’ sewing as Ladies, but as it has not been released yet there are no previews of the book yet.
Some of the periodicals that will be published these few months.
Title : NHKすてきにハンドメイド 2016年 10 月号
Publisher : NHK publishing
Cotton Time November 2016 Issue
Title : COTTON TIME 2016年 11月号
Publisher : Shufu-to-sha
The last magazine reminds us that Christmas is coming soon! Busy times ahead for all of us. I will be working on a couple of free pattern releases in the coming weeks because I need to get the up on the blog before the mad sewing begins. I have holiday sewing, Chinese new year sewing, and back to school sewing all scheduled for the next two months. I may not be posting as many book reviews for now but do follow me on Instagram or Facebook where I post my 1 minute book flip-through videos.You will get to see my new book purchases there much faster since it takes a longer time to write up a proper review.
I love these monthly updates! Last week I purchased “Easy Handmade Kids Clothes” from Kinokuniya bookstore in Seattle, Washington, USA. I didn’t know that is what it is called, thanks for the translation 🙂
背が低めな人のための大人服 – I think the book is for shorter people as the dress will gives the impression that wearer is taller due to the cutting. : )
love your new books review and always enjoy your clean and sweet sewing for your kids. Keep up the posting. : )
As usual, I look forward to your updates, is it possible to post some reviews or pics of the new books? online so far it’s quite hard to find the images for the new books.. and am so enjoying your flip through videos, and I got some books haha.