It’s been a while since I did a New Releases post, mainly because there are less sewing books published during the winter months and more crochet and knitting related books. The second reason is because I still have a number of books to review and I’m stopping myself from buying more. I’m not sure if I can hold off the book ban any longer because everytime I compile a New Releases post, I feel the need to buy something. Lots of images today because there are quite a number of books.
I get quite a number of emails asking me how to buy these books. If you look below each image, I will usually include the title, author/publisher, ISBN number and a link to view more details of the book. Some books have a “look inside” feature on, whereas some books released by bunka or nihon-vogue have online preview pages. I also include affiliate links wherever possible so that you can purchase it directly from cdjapan. There is no difference to the price you pay for the book but I will get a small commission from every sale and that goes to help upkeep the website. Without further ado, let’s shop!
Wear Big clothes, wear small clothes
by 濱田 明日香
ISBN No. : 978-4579115631
Fun Dress Book by the Sewing Machine and Hand
by 松井 翠
ISBN NO. : 978-4579115587
Browse sample pages from publisher’s website
Airy Ladies Clothes
by : 滝口 浩司
ISBN No. : 978-4579115532
Buy now from CDJapan (affiliate link)
by 佐藤 かな
ISBN NO. : 978-4579115600
Browse more pages on publisher’s website
by 佐藤 かな
ISBN NO. : 978-4579115556
Browse more pages on publisher’s website
From casual to dress up Mens Shirts
ISBN NO. : 978-4579115594
Browse more preview pages on publisher’s website
Magazine Pattern School Vol. 2 – Skirts
誌上・パターン塾 Vol.2 スカート編
Published by 文化出版局編
ISBN No. : 978-4579073450
Buy now from cdjapan (affiliate link)
Book about Fasteners (Zippers)
published by Nihon-vogue
ISBN No. : 978-4529055284
Browse more preview pages on publisher’s website
Buy now from cdjapan (affiliate link)
Adult Daily Wear
published by Boutique-sha
ISBN No. : 978-4834741476
Buy now from cdjapan (affiliate link)
Professional Techniques for Beautiful Tailoring
by 百目鬼 尚子
ISBN No. : 978-4579115549
Buy now from cdjapan (affiliate link)
Ok, so this book was technically, not released the past few months, in fact it was released in November last year, but somehow slipped my radar. I know many of you are drape drape fans so you might be interested to know there is a new book called drape drape dress.
Drape Drape Dress
by 佐藤 ヒサコ
ISBN No. : 978-4579115488
You can browse more on the publisher’s website
Buy now from cdjapan (affiliate link)
phew…. that was a lot of books and links to go through… if you haven’t had enough temptations yet, here are more periodicals for your selection
Sutekini Handmade March 2016
Sewing for Spring!
To browse, follow this link to the magazine’s website and click on the Green button with the book icon.
Cotton Time March 2016
Buy now from cdjapan (affiliate link)
(comes with a small piece of free fabric as shown above)
Lady Boutique March 2016 Issue
(buy now from cdjapan)
Cotton Friend March 2016 Issue / Boutique-sha
I am particularly inclined to buying the book on professional techniques and the other book on fasteners. I feel that there is still so much I can learn to make my garments look more “finished”. How about you? What do you feel like buying after seeing all these books?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a book on fasteners before – interesting!