Spring is here!

April 1, 2013

We’ve been having searing hot weather coupled with thunderstorms over here in Singapore. It’s hot and wet all year around and seems especially hot for this time of the year. If not for the Hanami pictures I’ve been seeing on instagram, it hardly feels like Spring over here!

Well, not until I get my hands on the Spring magazines of course! This is how I mark my 4 seasons, by the timing of the sewing magazines arriving in Singapore 😛 So what better way to spend April then going through all my Spring magazines and writing reviews about them!

First up, FEMALE magazine Spring 2013.  Frankly, the top on the front cover almost made me not want to buy the magazine. But luckily I flipped through and changed my mind.

This is the first project in the book. I’m don’t quite like the fabric color choice but if you look at the bottom picture, you can see there are gathers and extra details on the sleeves that can’t really be seen on the model. I much prefer the color in the smaller picture though, and it looks like a nice casual shirt that will go well with jeans or shorts.

Very sweet and pretty sheer tunic, with shirring details  in the front and back.

This fabric is so sweet but probably more suitable for my girls. I like the back collar enclosure. Very interesting.

Long sleeve shirt with contrast sleeves and collar. Best part is, it comes step by step photographs that show you how to make it!

Using different fabric colors for the sleeves and the bodice actually makes the process clearer too.

The next part is a series of the current Spring trends.


Neon Colors.

I love trench coats, and this looks cute! Mix and match a different look everytime with different shirts worn underneath.

Peplum skirt – I think this was featured in last year’s summer edition, so it’s still trendy I guess.

This is the top on the front cover. I really don’t get this. Other than the fact that the fabric is spring-y, the shape is just not very flattering?

Cat hats!

Long skirts

Mix and match detachable collars and dresses.

Patterns for all these dresses are included.

Riders Jacket! Make your own cool jacket with step by step photos to guide you along.

And there’s still more. Pants special, with 4 basic types of pants patterns included.

The rest of the pants are pretty standard, but this is really cute!

One more pattern that has step by step photos. This time it’s sewing with knits using a serger. This magazine really covers everything.

Perfect for rainy days in Spring. We could use this all year round over here. A cute poncho in waterproof nylon fabric.

and a trench coat in floral print, with matching drawstring pouches.

Have you heard of Nippori fabric/textile town? It’s THE place to go fabric shopping in Tokyo. In this issue there is a map included. Unfortunately it’s all in Japanese, but there are some shop highlights and you can just follow the map to find them if you every get the chance to visit. Or you can check the pictures and videos from  Tokyo Fashion.com.

Back to the magazine, I’ve skipped quite a number of projects and crafts because there were just too many to show here, but here’s something useful at the back pages. It’s a visual guide on how to locate and use the pattern pieces.

There is also a page of basic sewing tips such as how to make measurements to select the right size, hand stitching, gathering, ironing of interface etc.

For most of the patterns that are not featured in step by step photos, the how-to-make pages are located at the back of the magazine and look like this. They are all in diagrams which makes it relatively easy to follow, but to save space the cutting diagrams and material lists are quite small compared to those found in regular books. So I’ve highlighted the important sections below.

There are also photos of the garment on each of the pattern sheet so you don’t have to struggle to match the names  to locate the patterns. Very useful!

I hope you like today’s first Spring magazine review. Next Monday I’ll be reviewing Cotton Friend! Those of you who want to know what the latest issue looks like inside, remember to come back next Monday!

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  • Cindy April 2, 2013 at 1:23 am

    I love when I get new magazines in the mail. I just wish they could translate all that yumminess and release it over here !! Cindy