Translation Request

February 15, 2013

Just wanted to share with you a recent translation request from one of my readers – Kat, that I received a few weeks ago. I was so sure I reviewed this book before but after searching my own archives, it seems that I haven’t?

Anyway, this book is all about Girls clothes using knit fabrics. Those of you who have this book may find it useful so I will post the translations below. There were two requests – pattern C and pattern P. I will post one up today and the other next week.

Picture of dress C. Round collar, short sleeves with pleated skirt and ribbon detail.

Click on the images to view in actual size.

The pattern calls for knit fabrics, but Kat was wondering if it was ok to use non-stretch fabrics, i.e. normal cottons, since there is a back closure. I believe so, since the bodice is high and the dress does not seem tight fitting. What do you think? Or if you have made this dress, will it work with non-stretchy fabrics?

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  • Kennis February 15, 2013 at 9:37 am

    I’ve got one of this book and love it!! I’ve made pattern A and my daughter loves to swirl it around. I look forward to reading you review on this book!

  • kat February 17, 2013 at 5:19 am

    I didn’t know you actually had the book! That’s great!! I just posted about this dress on my blog today (but I modified the sleeves to long sleeves since it’s chilly here) and gave you a few shout-outs for the help!! It was a very easy pattern and I thank you so much for your help! I just posted in January all of the Japanese Pattern Books I recently got, and I look forward to sharing my creations with you. I am indebted to you! Thanks again!!!

  • Monica February 22, 2013 at 2:12 pm

    Hello 🙂 I would love to read a review on this book. I have been looking at it online for awhile now and it is on my wish list to buy!! I’m looking forward to seeing what your readers have made from this book 🙂

  • Niki July 11, 2013 at 4:47 am

    Need help with collar dress ‘h’ in Girly Style Wardrobe. Cut pattern out perfectly. The back seems higher than the front. Am assuming once you add the yoke bias section it will match the front but thought to check first as it seems there is a back AND a front yoke but can’t translate!!!! Help!

  • Courtney August 17, 2013 at 4:28 am

    I love the help you provide with these translations. Is there any chance you could help with step 1 of pattern h of this book?

    • Japanese Sewing Books August 19, 2013 at 8:34 am

      Hi Courtney,
      Sure, I will try to post it up by the end of this week. 🙂

    • Japanese Sewing Books August 23, 2013 at 6:42 pm

      Hi Courtney, I just posted the translation and a link to a really helpful Japanese website with photo instructions. Take a look!

  • Hanna December 27, 2014 at 11:13 am

    Hi, I purchased this book shown at Kinokuniya in New York City today. I do not read Japanese but I think I can use the diagrams and try figuring it out. Do you know if the patterns include seam allowances for this book? Or do I need to add seam allowances? Thank you for your help!

    • Japanese Sewing Books January 5, 2015 at 3:55 pm

      Hi Hanna,
      No, the patterns do not include seam allowances. You have to look at the cutting diagram (under the specific pattern’s instructions). You will notice double lines around the edges of each pattern piece, and there is usually a number indicated at/pointed to the edge. Usually you will see a 2 or 3 for hem lines, 0 for edges meant to be finished with bias/facing, and wherever not stipulated, the seam allowance is 1cm. This is usually the standard for Japanese sewing books. Oh, and remember everything is in cm! 🙂