Translation Request – Quilt Pattern for E Ray

November 28, 2014

Today’s translation request is for E Ray who needed help with the translating the pattern for quilt #2. There was not much information to translate this pattern other than the material list, as the actual quilt making techniques seems to be located on another page of Basic Techniques (page number also not mentioned).

Anyway, I do hope this helps!

quilt2_smclick on image to zoom in

I have one more translation request in the wait list according to my emails (Hopefully I haven’t missed out anyone!)  so I will post that up in the next two weeks or so.

Important announcement!

Due to family commitments, I will not be able to take on any full pattern translations for the next few months. By that I mean translating a full sewing pattern from beginning to end, including translating individual diagrams.  I will still be able to help out with translating terms and small portions of the instructions if you get stuck anywhere. Or anything I can answer quickly via email. I hope that by March/April I will be able to find more time to do the full translation requests as I know it is frustrating to get stuck while sewing! 🙂

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