Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – fil e-book

February 6, 2012

Today’s link is a really amazing find. I stumbled upon this website from a list of links on a Japanese site, so it was really a by-chance thing and not directly from any search engine.

This website is by the company Fujix Ltd which apparently is a sewing thread company. Makes sense doesn’t it? 🙂

The subsidiary site  and the name on its banner is called (translated) but this is not the domain name. The real link is 

Basically it displays all the e-books which are called called fil – Enjoy Sewing.

To view each e-book, you can either click on the thumbnails, which will bring you to the flash e-book reader. Below is an example of a page in the e-book.

The pictures and “how to make” sections (with diagrams) are within the e-book. There are two ways to download the patterns for each project.

1. Click on the link in the e-book. (See the link below)

2. Alternatively, from the main page, click on the purple button (see below). This will bring you to the “more details” page of that particular issue.

On the details of the e-book, you can click on thumbnail to view individual projects, and most importantly, there is a little greenish button beside each project with the words åž‹ç´™ which means pattern paper. This is where you will click to download the pattern.

Again, Flash is needed. A full page view of the pattern is seen (shown by the left hand photo below), click on any part of the image, and the PDF piece (A4 size) will be loaded (see example on bottom right). You will need to print the different pieces and piece them together. A little work. but it’s all free! 🙂


Even if you don’t make anything or find the pattern downloading too troublesome, just browsing the free e-books is really inspiring. As usual, beautiful Japanese styled photographs, cute projects, it’s a fabulous site to check out!

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  • ira February 7, 2012 at 3:22 pm

    this is really great! now now find time to make all those lovely patterns in it.

    great find indeed 🙂 thanks.