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kids goods

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Nunotoiro

I’ve been doing alot of sewing this weekend, in preparation for my daughter’s birthday party next weekend. I had a lot of IKEA fabric leftover from my fabric stash. Bright colorful animal print that I really wouldn’t use in the house, so I used…

August 13, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Pattern – Kizuqueen

There are lots of free pattern resources out there, but there are also many with more text than pictorial instructions. Which makes it hard to understand given the way Google auto-translates, which tends to be inaccurate when the grammar pattern of the target language…

July 23, 2012

Book Review – Cucito Summer 2012

Cucito is a kids sewing magazine published by Boutique-sha. The same people who publish Lady’s Boutique and Cotton Friend. They also publish a lot of other craft books and magazines. This is one of the magazines that I will buy regularly because not only is…

June 22, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Pattern – UneUneGoroGoro

What a cute name!  Today’s blog is called UneUne GoroGoro うねうねごろごろ ( 日々をうねうね 日々をごろごろ) Google translate tells me it means Winding Purring (Winding everyday, Purring everyday). I don’t understand winding is but I am guessing this lady likes cats? 🙂 It doesn’t matter because she makes the…

April 30, 2012

Mother’s Day Book Giveaway

So I’ve been thinking about a book giveaway for a while now. Seeing that it may not always be easy to buy a Japanese sewing book you’ve seen online, especially if you are not near a bookstore that stocks a large selection of hobby…

April 20, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns – Otsukaya

Today’s free pattern find was contributed by Alice Heil from Sommet Outta Nuthin… Thanks Alice! 🙂 The patterns are from which is a fabric store with branches in Nagoya, Gifu and Osaka. Just like the fabric store I went to in Otaru, they provided free…

April 9, 2012

Book Review – Handmade Rilakkuma

Today’s book is really fun. Have you heard of Rilakkuma? It’s a character from San-x, also known as Relax Bear. It’s one of my favourite characters. I have many Rilakkuma goods. Notepads, a tote bag, even have a 3D Rilakkuma iphone case! 🙂 For…

March 29, 2012

Free Japanese Sewing Patterns –

Today’s free patterns come from one of my favourite Japanese fabric brands. Lecien Corporation  is a manufacturer of fabrics, handicrafts as well as ladies clothes and even lingerie. I’m sure most of us who sew will recognize their brand as a manufacturer, given that they produce…

March 26, 2012

Book Review – Pochée

Pochée magazine is a sewing magazine mainly for women, and I would never have discovered it if not for this. I found this under the sewing books section while browsing in a bookstore in Japan, I couldn’t believe I have never seen this magazine…

January 10, 2012