Giveaway Time – Japanese Sewing Books turns 5!

December 3, 2016


As I looked back on the posts I created over the past few years, I realized that the frequency and type of posts have been changing over the years. Since being a Mom is my full-time day (and night) job, it only goes to say that my blogging schedule has to suit my kids’ timetables!

This year has been a really challenging one. With one baby quickly growing into a self-assured teenager. And the teenager sometimes regressing into a baby with her mood swings. Oops I got them mixed up ;P, and one middle child with well, middle child issues. I had to battle both the beginnings of terrible twos as well as the terrible teens, not to mention the main event of the year which is my eldest primary school leaving examination which was pretty stressful for both of us. I’m glad most of that is over, and while waiting for the secondary school allocation results, we are going to take a break in where else but Japan! This time round we will be travelling with the extended family, so there will be less time for fabric shopping, and also posting on social media.

Nevertheless, I have to celebrate my blog’s 5th birthday, which is a pretty amazing thing. Every year I say this, but it gets more and more real every year. I never thought I could have come this far, and if not for all the emails, comments, messages you readers send to me in appreciation of the free patterns, or even just a simple book review, I don’t think I would have been able to continue especially for the past year when I was trying to deal with so many things at once. Next year I hope to focus more on sewing for boys! Since my two older ones have outgrown most of my pattern books and fabric stash, and well, simply because it is so much more fun to sew for the little ones. šŸ™‚

OkĀ enough gushing about my emotions about reaching this milestone, I have to prepare a Blogiversary giveaway! But I can’t decide what to giveaway. So please help me decide! All you have to do is to vote for your favourite Japanese Designer Fabric by commenting on my Facebook post with the appropriate hashtag.


So for example, you favorite designer is #naniiro, so you comment #naniiro. Easy peasy? Head on over to my Facebook page now to vote! The poll starts now and ends on Tuesday 9amĀ Japan time simply because I expect to be fabric shopping that very day! So this is a very short giveaway period and you have to vote now! Just click on the link below.

Facebook poll giveaway – Which is your favorite JapaneseĀ Designer Fabric?

The winner will be picked from the participants who voted for the Designer fabric with the most votes.

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