Winner of Giveaway – Patchwork Quilted Bags

August 15, 2016

Sorry for the late post, this was supposed to be announced on Saturday morning but as we were all caught up with Olympic fever (Hooray for Schooling! :P) and exams preparation, I only had time to sit down today and write this post.

and the winner is….


Susan Goh!

Congratulations! You have won yourself a copy of Patchwork Quilted Bags. I will be emailing you soon to get your details in order for Tuttle Publishing to send you the book. Thank you once again for all your particpation. There are more giveaways coming up the next few months so keep following me on the blog/facebook/instagram.  Also, a big Thank You to Tuttle Publishing for generously sponsoring the prize.


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  • Book Review and Giveaway – Patchwork Quilted Bags | Japanese Sewing, Pattern, Craft Books and Fabrics August 15, 2016 at 9:15 am

    […] The winner has been picked… click here to find out who it is! […]

  • Sharon B. August 22, 2016 at 9:21 am

    Congratulations Anita!