Book Review and Giveaway – Patchwork Quilted Bags

August 6, 2016

Today’s book review is a yet to be released title named Patchwork Quilted Bags, and this is your favourite part – it’s in English! The author/designer is Reiko Washizawa, 鷲沢玲子, a famous and well-published Quilt designer in Japan. She has been quilting for 40 years and has published many Japanese quilting books. This book is not about making patchwork quilts though, it is a book dedicated to incorporating your patchwork creations into everyday bags. This will be a great way to bring your creative showpieces around with you since it is quite impossible to bring your quilts wherever you go.

Honestly I have never made a proper full size quilt, but I have been hoarding a whole box of handmade dresses that my girls have outgrown and planning to make a keepsake quilt out of the dresses, so I have been reading up on hand piecing and it seems kind of daunting, especially when it comes to creating a full size quilt. This book came just in time and gave me some new ideas on smaller projects I can start with, and furthermore, it combines the patchwork quilting with my love for making bags!

Let’s have a look at this book shall we? Before we jump to the details of the giveaway 🙂


There are 19 projects to be made in this book and they are divided into 5 chapters. There are also additional sections in between the chapters that teach you all the basics you need to know about patchwork making. From materials, to drafting of basic quilt patterns, and even a little showcase of the author’s quilt-making story.




Before the first chapter begins, there is an introduction tutorial on how to draft the different shapes you will need in the book. This is the basis of the book, you will need to know how to draw the different shapes and how they are pieced together before you can apply them to your bags.

Now, we are ready to make some bags!

The first Chapter : Basic Bags


The first project is the beautiful pieced Little Bird Bag that you see on the front cover. I was surprised that this bag was called a basic bag because it certainly looked complicated to me! Upon closer scrutiny, it turned out that the birds were actually part of the fabric print and were quilted on to the batting. The patchwork portion is only the strip in the middle, which is made up of hexagonal pieces.


There are detailed instructions for every step, not just the making of the patchwork, but also to show you how to assemble the bag.

The second Chapter is about Out & About Bags


There are beautifully embellished bags for a night out,


Casual basic square patchwork bags for running a quick errand,


cute bowl shaped bags, perfect for carrying knitting supplies I say!

 Chapter 3 : Shopping bags


Roomy bags with lots of space for shopping and marketing. Note the beautiful pattern which is called a Lemon Star Patchwork. Looks challenging to me!

 Chapter 4 : for Moms and Little Ones


Mother’s bag and Baby Bottle Case


Lesson Bags for kids

 The last chapter : Cute Little Pouches
Creative patchwork designs and small scale projects that are suitable for beginners like me!


Sewing Case and Scissors Case


Strawberry Pouches


Mini Yo-yo Pouch. These pouches are made out of lots of tiny yo-yos. Amazingly cute and I love the color explosion!


Union Jack pouches. Fashioned after the Union Jack using Liberty fabrics for the stripes. How apt!


 Sample of detailed instructions for each project.

 There are also two large pattern sheets attached for all the appliqués and templates you will need to make the projects in this book.

Thanks to Tuttle Publishing, I was provided a free PDF book preview for this book review, and they are also,  giving away one copy of this book to one of you lucky readers! Win a copy of it before it is even released! Contest is open worldwide and will run for a week. Enter now!

To enter the giveaway, please fill in the form below. Contest ends 12th August 2016. Extra chances for those who share this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Good Luck!

[contestfriend contest=”9908″]

The winner has been picked… click here to find out who it is!

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  • Jen August 6, 2016 at 2:08 pm

    I’m not a quilter, but it looks like a nice book for those who are. Thanks for the review!

  • Sharon B August 9, 2016 at 4:05 am

    Thanks for the review! I love the bird purse.

  • Maggie Strachan August 9, 2016 at 1:05 pm

    Thank you so much for this review!!! i don’t have a ton of books, but this will definitely be on my bookshelf of must haves. Cute projects, and it’s in English. Score!❤️

  • Dominique Rose December 10, 2016 at 1:04 am

    The book is very attractive, beautiful pictures of things to make….but even though I am well used to follow patterns of all sorts, here, I cannot make sense of the explanations. I don’t know if it is due to a bad translation or what, but having bought everything needed to make a little “bag” I cannot even start…I am so disappointed.