New server, new issues. I could not login to my admin account for the past week due to security settings. Oh well, hope that this is the end to the end of technical difficulties. Here’s part 2 of the releases over the past few months. Oh dear is it June already?
I usually receive some questions after each post regarding where to buy these books. You can either click on the links below where available (some affiliate links), or search using the ISBN No. I have also included the Japanese title for you to cut and paste if necessary (for example if you need to request for your local bookstore to bring it in).
Making Clothes that make you look lean!
Title : 「やせて見える服」を作ろう
Author : 泉 繭子 Mayuko Izumi
ISBN No. : 978-4471400934
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A new book by one of my favourite designers, Yoshiko Tsukiori, I think many of you are familiar with her name by now, as many of her books have been translated into English.
Title : 大人の女性に似合う服
Author : 月居 良子
ISBN No. : 978-4800247636
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7 Basic dresses, simple pattern, beautiful styles
Title : 基本は7つのワンピース シンプルパターンのきれいスタイル
Author : 香田 あおい Aoi Koda
ISBN No. : 978-4579115709
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Nice Ladies Wear? This was a challenging one, a direct translation would have been Good clothes for adults, I was attempting to make it sound nicer. A new book by Nakano Yukari of Couturier Sewing Class. Read my previous review of her last book. I actually made 3 pieces from her last book and have been wearing them regularly. Her patterns are easy to make, comfortable and easy to wear.
Title : 大人にいい服
Author : 中野ユカリ Nakano Yukari
ISBN No. : 978-4529055666
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Dresses with Neat Silhouette
Title : きちんとシルエットのワンピース Lady’s Boutique Series NO. 4171
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN No. : 978-4834741711
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The following books did not come with previews.
Sewing book of Viyella –
I am curious about this book. Honestly I have not heard of Viyella prior to this, but according to Google it was founded in 1784 by Henry Hollins Sr. as a fabric mill in Pleasley, England. Unfortunately, this fabric brand is also under the Austin Reed group and its fate is uncertain now. This book includes patterns for ladies (S-LL) as well as kids (90,110,130)
Title : ヴァイエラのソーイング BOOK (Lady’s boutique series no.4197)
Publisher : Boutique-sha
ISBN No. : 978-4834741971
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Handmade Fashionable Clothes
Title : おしゃれ着を手作りで
Author : 海外 竜也 Tatsuya Kaigai
ISBN No. : 978-4834742169
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Easy to make and ready to wear – Tunics and Dresses
Title : チュニック&ワンピース – 作りやすくて すぐ着られる!
Author : Includes designs from 14 popular pattern designers.
Publisher : NHK Publishing
ISBN No. : 978-4141992295
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Lots of nice summery dresses! FYI, in the US most Japanese books and individual magazine issues can be ordered through Kunokuniya – either by phone or in person for those who live in larger cities with a shop. Personally, I have found that Rakuten is difficult to use. I haven’t tried ordering directly from Amazon jp yet.
Thanks for all your recommendations, I love seeing them.
From your blog posts I decided to try ordering from CD Japan and have found them to be fantastic – economical with fast shipping too. I’ve placed 3 orders so far and have been happy with all 3. I wish I’d tried them ages ago, I would have saved myself a lot of money!
Viyella is nice stuff: a cotton/wool blend. Liberty makes something like that.
Liberty calls in “challis.” Also Britex sells viyella sometimes.
Lovely books!! Do you purchase any of them? I’m interested in your review of the Yoshiko Tsukiori, the 7 Dresses, and the Couturier sewing class book (I’m in the brink of purchasing the first Couturier sewing class book because of your great review on this blog!)
There are just too many books to buy this season! Out of the lot, I actually bought the second couturier sewing class book because it’s been so useful to me. I have to wait till my baby gets older before I can think of making pretty dresses and stuff ;P