New Releases – May 2014

May 2, 2014

Time flies when you are having fun! It’s already the first week of May and here are some new Japanese Sewing Books releases. Some of them were released the past few weeks (April), and some will be released in the month of May. I’m all excited because i see lots of summer clothes in this list!


Cotton Friend Summer Edition 2014
Preparation of summer wear


Lady Boutique June 2014
Ageless Clothes


Mrs Style Book
I love Liberty


Pants for Girls and Boys (80-120cm sizes)


Make Neat looking Clothes


Making clothes for my own style


New book by Tsukikyo Yoshiko (月居良子)


Kono Sanae’s – Enjoy Adult Dresses made with different fabrics.


Draping Complete Guide
I’m not sure if this is a sewing book with patterns or just a guide, because there are no Look inside pictures either on Amazon or on the book publisher’s website itself. Will update if they do release any book images.

Happy Shopping!

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