April Sew Along – Pattern A1 and A2 from Feminine Wardrobe – Part 2 of 2

April 24, 2014

And here is Part 2 of this month’s sew-along. Click here for Part 1  if you need to refer to it.

Just a quick note about the finishing of the hem (Step 7). Before you finish the hem, try on the dress first and see if you like the length. I found it too long (below the knee for me because I’m short), so I chopped a couple of inches off so that it was slightly above the knee. The book also called for blind stitching for the hem of the dress (A1), and a double fold hem for the tunic (A2). In any case, I would have used the machine for both patterns because I did not really like the idea of hand stitching all the way around. Anyway, my fabric was black so it was hardly noticeable.

I only finished the dress today so I couldn’t get a chance to take any proper pics before it got too dark. My 9 year old took these for me! Tip : if you have short legs like me, get a child to take your photos, her photos were taken from a lower perspective which made my legs look much longer ;P

I will try to take more photos tomorrow morning when there is more light, using other belts (which was my original intention) and also to see what it would look like in the giant bow-tie tunic (Pattern A2) style.


For those of you who don’t have this book but would like to get the pattern and sew along later on, here’s the link to buy the book from Amazon.

Happy Sewing! And let me know if you have any questions by leaving your comments below.

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  • C April 26, 2014 at 6:54 pm

    Hi, do I need to know how to draft well to sew using this pattern? Sorry for this awkward question, cause I’m pretty new to sewing my own clothes!

    • Japanese Sewing Books April 28, 2014 at 9:57 am

      Hi C,
      You don’t need to know how to draft patterns, the pattern is included in the book that I listed above. You just have to trace out the pattern from there. Cheers! 🙂

  • Mamie June 17, 2014 at 7:31 am

    Hey there,
    I am a bit obsessed with Japanese sewing pattern books too. I have quite a collection built up now both in English and Japanese. We should totally hook up and share ideas.

    • Mamie June 17, 2014 at 7:32 am

      Although…right now, I’m neck deep in a Frida Kahlo Tribute challenge. But stop by my blog and see if there’s anything you like.

  • Marina April 26, 2016 at 4:26 am

    I am brand new to sewing, but I discovered those beautiful Japanese sewing patterns right away. I actually had decided to start pairing up projects with the stash of fabric I own right now and this dress was top of the list! Maybe now with your tutorial I will bump it up on the line and try it soon!