Magazine Review – Female Summer 2013

July 22, 2013

Another Summer magazine and one of my staples every season. It’s the Female magazine Summer edition 2013.

What I love about sewing magazines is that there is always a much larger number of projects compared to a sewing book, but do note that not ALL the actual size patterns are included in this one. Some of them require the use and modification of a basic sloper block. For those of you who are not familiar with drafting your own patterns, there are 2 large actual size pattern sheets included for some of the projects. Sizes included : S,M,L and LL.

Here are some of the projects I like!

Peplum & Ruffle Dress

 I glanced through the magazine at the bookshop and I decided that I really like these three different looks, but did not notice the fine print – these need to be made from a basic sloper pattern. Meaning that no actual size pattern is included.

 Pretty puff sleeve dress with Lace fabric.

 Summer tanks in a cheery yellow floral print with scalloped edges. Love the fabric, these are usually more pricey due to the finished edges, but it really does give it a professionally finished look doesn’t it?

 I really like this shift, as it reminds me of a dress I wore too much back in my uni days. I want to make this one!

 The shape and style of this dress is very pretty, but I think the size is too big for the model, or the model is too tiny.

Another  dress I am determined to make. In fact I’ve already traced and cut out the patterns for this one!  They even teach you how to co-ordinate for different occasions.

Is this the latest trend or something? Loud Prints + Baggy pants?

 Just had to share a close up. 🙂 I’m not making one of these. But I have actually seen people wear these pants in Japan. Loud floral prints, but thankfully not as baggy as these.

Nice basic sleeveless blouse design, which unfortunately calls for the use of a sloper.

Other than clothes,there are some pretty bag patterns too.

A 3 way clutch/sling bag/tote.

The Summer staple for ladies – the yukata. The one missing pattern in Cotton Friend this season.

Ok here’s how to tell if the pattern is included. Under the description of each garment, There will be this line highlighted by an asterisk. If you see the words within the note “実物大型紙” (actual size large pattern sheet) then you know the pattern can be found on the pattern sheet.

If you see this instead ”この作品はじか裁ちで作れます” – it means you have to cut out your patterns (but these usually mean constructing simple shapes and curves on the fabric)

For patterns using slopers, you will see the words “この作品は文化式製図”  which literally means “This project uses the Bunka style construction diagram“.

There are detailed diagrams to show you how to construct the basic sloper from which you make your modifications.

For those of you who fear drafting patterns, fret not. There are still many projects with actual size patterns, and some of them include step by step photographs.

There are also some projects that come with colored diagrams. which I feel is very helpful when identifying the right and wrong sides of fabric.

For the rest of the projects, here is an example of the how-to-make page. This happens to be one of the projects included in the pattern sheets, but the detailed measurements are included on the diagrams. Which makes it look kind of scary until you realize you can just ignore the complicated diagrams since the patterns are included.  It will be useful for those of you wanting to make your own patterns using your own custom measurements.

A close up of the step by step diagrams.

Here are the pattern sheets included.

There is also a small magazine insert, highlighting the new brands and trends in Japanese fashion this season.

Next week I am hoping to release a new pattern, so I’m going to have to work hard on it all week. Wish me luck!


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  • Betty Jordan Wester July 23, 2013 at 1:47 am

    That 3 way bag is adorable!

  • Jaslyn Lee August 6, 2013 at 9:17 am

    where can i get this magazine?

  • dd February 5, 2014 at 2:07 am

    i liked the bags