Translation Request – A Doll’s Dress Pattern

June 27, 2013

This translation request was from Kristy way back in February. I have quite forgotten about it! It was quite an unusual pattern to translate, as it is a dress for a doll. It is also quite an elaborate pattern too. I’m not sure which book it is from though, but this was the picture she sent me.

click on the image to view a larger version

Do any of you sew for your dolls? I sew some for my daughters’ Mell-chan dolls but simple frocks with velcro openings, never elaborate ones like these! I sure hope Kristy’s dress turn out well. 🙂


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  • Reader June 27, 2013 at 11:53 pm

    My goodness, that’s complicated. 🙂

  • Celia Burke July 25, 2013 at 10:55 am

    I got this doll when i was in Tokyo several years ago, how do i find more patterns for her? I love to sew dolls.

    • Japanese Sewing Books July 29, 2013 at 8:27 am

      Hi Celia, do you know the name of this doll? I am only familiar with Licca, Mell and Popochan. If you have the name I can search for free doll patterns online. I found some Licca chan free patterns but without knowing the dimensions of this doll I can’t tell if it will fit.