Translation Request – Ruffle blouse

June 13, 2013

This was a translation that I did for Sheri last month. The pattern is from this book that I reviewed last year Daily Comfortable Clothes

The blouse is a ruffle blouse that I’ve traced out for a long time but never got around to making. It’s still on the sewing list though.

There are two different fabrics used for this pattern, the quantity depends on the width of fabric you are using.

Surface fabric A (double gauze) based on 112cm wide fabric
(S,M) 80cm, (ML,L) 1m
Surface fabric B (single gauze) based on 116cm wide fabric
(S,M) 1.4m, (ML,L) 1.6m

Interfacing = 90cm(L) x 65cm (W)
Button = 1 cm diameter buttons x 5 pcs
Fabric covered buttons = 1cm diameter x 2

How to make
* Attach interfacing to front and back facing pieces
* Serge or zig zag stitch to finish the outer edges of the front and back facing pieces and top edges of frill pieces B to E

01 Sew side seams of main bodice pieces. Serge seam allowances together and press to the back.

02 Foldover the hemline twice and stitch to finish the hem of the main bodice.

03 Make the frills. For each piece from A to E, first stitch the side seams, then fold over twice and stitch the back centre edges, and then fold over twice to finish the hem of the frills.

04 Sew frill A to main bodice piece. First sew frill A to yoke pieces, then stack the yoke+frill on top of the bodice piece and stitch (refer to diagram)

05 Sew shoulder and side seams of main bodice piece. Sew shoulder and side seams of facing pieces. Open seams.

06 Place the facing pieces over the bodice pieces, right sides facing, sew all around from the centre back through the neckline and then to the centre back of the other side. Be careful not to sew in the frill to the back centre seam.

07 Sew armholes. With the armholes of bodice and facing pieces aligned and right sides facing, sew the front and back armholes according to the diagram. (This is a very brief and probably not accurate translation of the step because at that time I could not figure out why the front and back armholes needed to be sewn separately. Then I discovered while doing the other translation on sewing sleeve facings, that this was probably similar to the method I posted on youtube )

08 Attach frills B to E. Align top edge of frill to position of frill on bodice and sew.

09 Make button hole at back left edge. Attach button to right back edge. Make fabric covered buttons using surface fabric A. At the frills, make button holes below the frills, but attach buttons above frills.

Hope this helps those of you who have this book and using this pattern!

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  • Sheri June 13, 2013 at 11:19 pm

    I finished the blouse and added some detail fancy stitching to topstich the bodice… was a good fit. I’m quite pleased now I’ve finished it and thank you again for your help with the translation. I,ll upload the photos to flicker. Xxx

  • sheri June 14, 2013 at 1:59 am

    i finally finished the ruffle blouse and do you know what after all the angst i had making it believe or not i love it. its a perfect fit and i even succeeded with the button holes, my first attempt actually on a garment, just practiced beforehand on some spare fabric. its had a few admiring comments too. i did struggle with the facing but i did a stupid thing i sewed the side seams first i sort of went along doing my own thing instead of following the instructions ( i nearly always do this and end up doing something wrong!) i really should know better. anyway i get the facing around the armholes and after looking at your very helpful video tutorial i realised where i went wrong so thank you again for helping with this i think you’re so kind. xxxx

    • sheri June 14, 2013 at 2:00 am

      im uploading the finished blouse to the flicker group