Today’s free pattern link is from an unexpected source. The website of a Japanese chain of 100 yen shops called Seria. If you are not familiar or have not been to one, 100 yen shops are shops where every single item in the shop is priced at 100yen (actually 105 yen after tax). It makes it really fun to shop you can tell exactly how much you are spending just by multiplying the number of items in your basket by 105 yen. Or, if it makes it easier, multiply by 100 yen and then add 5% to the total.
At the current rate exchange 105 yen is only SG$1.28! In Singapore the main 100 yen shop franchise is Daiso. But over here it is known as the $2 shop since every item is $2 instead. So things are more expensive here but nevertheless, you can get lots of unbelievable deals here. Especially stuff like zakka and sewing supplies, household items, stationery, kitchen items, interior decor, too many to name. I’ve been to Seria in Sapporo, and even though all the 100yen shops are similar in concept, the range of goods they offer do vary since some of the items are designed or produced exclusively for each chain. I personally go to the $2 Daiso shop here quite a lot. I can get made in Japan sewing machine thread, sewing notions, bits of lace, sewing labels, velcro, large pieces of felt, cute buttons, zips, bodkins, elastic and sometimes even mini sewing pattern books, all at $2 each! And that’s just some of the items from the sewing department.
Back to the topic of free patterns. On the Seria website, there is a handmade recipe page (レシピ [re-shi-pi from the English word “recipe”] here actually means patterns/how-to-make and not cooking recipes). The recipes are divided into categories on the main page, so just click on the thumbnails to browse through each category. There are many patterns to browse through and they are all free for download. Not just sewing patterns, but also crochet, decor related, paper related crafts etc. The photography is beautifully done and so are the patterns.
Now, this is how you navigate the site. From the main free recipe page –
Click on the category to browse
(Top row from left : Accessories / Interior / Knitted goods (includes crochet)
Middle row from left : Bags / Wrapping / Sweets Deco
Bottom row : Clothing+Accessories / Stationery / Wool Felt)
For each item, there will be a thumbnail as well as description, like the picture below
To download the patterns, just click on the brown button. A PDF file will open.
Here’s a sample of the PDF from one of the bag patterns. The actual size pattern is included on the pattern page. Instructions are in colored diagrams which makes it easy to identify which part of the bag it is. Very nicely done for a free pattern site.
Hope you will find today’s free pattern useful. You may not have a similar shop near you, but I bet with the free patterns and ideas you can come up with something cool of your own!
Is there a 100 yen shop near you? What are your favourite buys from them?
I just love these great sites you find! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Have a great day,
this site is very good! thank you for introducing us to a new source 🙂
Looks like some lovely things here! I’m excited to try some of these bags.
the striped mini-bag is so cute! thank you for sharing this site!
Very cute, but I’m stuck. As a “beginner”, I’m not sure how to put the pieces together. As many times as I’ve been to Japan, I still can’t read Japanese! After cutting the four pieces and sewing the darts, what do I do?
Hi Chana, which pattern are you referring to and which part are you stuck at?
These are so cute! Having a quality pattern is very important when making a beautiful piece!
[…] HAVE NO FEAR! Follow the link and it will explain how to find and download the pattern. Free Japanese Sewing Pattern. There are illustrations included in the instructions that are pretty easy to understand. I […]