Book Review – For Sweet Baby

July 13, 2012

I once promised someone that I would review a baby sewing book, but I just couldn’t remember where I stashed mine. My bookshelves are overflowing with kids books and there’s always no space for mine. So I have to keep them in all kinds of places. Some in the store room, some near the kitchen, some under my table and those that I use most frequently are on the shelf next to my table. Naturally, since it’s been quite a few years from my last baby, this baby sewing book was stashed away somewhere in the store room.

This book contains sewing projects for both baby and Mummy, handmade baby toys and templates for embroidery and rubber stamps that you can use to personalize your projects.

I bought this book just for the shoes…

One pair for every season. How cute are they!!!

This is a must have pattern for every baby sewing book. Bibs for every day of the week.

A diaper bag, on the bottom right of the picture is a record book holder.

Diaper pouch and a zippered case for milk bottles.

This is very useful. A nursing pillow!

A reversible hat for baby.

Baby blanket and a Blanket case.

Part 2 of the book is about handmade toys for baby.

These are all made with terry material, making them washable and safe for the baby to play with. You can put bells inside the stuffing and make them into rattles.

Rabbit and Mouse dolls.

Cute and functional at the same time. A white bear rucksack!
Other toys featured in the book include a felt crib mobile and felt blocks.

Part 3 of the book deals with embellishments.



Rubber stamps

The patterns for each project are included within the book.

 Some of them require enlargement (will be stated in the book with the percentage to be enlarge, e.g. 150% or 200%), and some are actual size.

The instructions are in hand drawn diagrams, like the one above.

There is also a section on basic hand sewing, embroidery stitches, as well as basic materials you will need for these projects.

Title : For Sweet Baby 手作りのおくりもの
ISBN : 4-07-246385-X
Publisher : 主婦の友社
Pages : 95

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  • Helena Benedito February 4, 2013 at 7:01 pm

    Hola como puedo conseguir estos libros¿son muy caros?…….gracias por todo lo que aquí encantará saber mas sobre ellos…

  • Baby Shoes – Part 1 | Sanae Ishida October 22, 2013 at 7:57 pm

    […] books because it’s smaller in size). The Japanese Sewing Books blog did a lovely review of it here. And similarly, I bought it explicitly to make those adorable shoes back in 2008 when a bunch of my […]

  • Huong Tran November 4, 2013 at 11:26 am

    My name is Huong and this is the first time I read your blog. I just so so in love with this book. I have a 6 months old baby boy and I wish I could make those little cutie things for him with a lot of love. I have searched the book, but there is no where has it. Do you know where I can find it? Thank you a lot for reviewing it and reading my comment. Have a wonderful week!
    Huong Tran

    • Japanese Sewing Books November 5, 2013 at 9:45 am

      Hi Huong, I believe this book is already out of print. There are still some sellers selling used copies on (just key in “for sweet baby” or search by ISBN number)
      There are also other newer books available, for example on my sponsor’s etsy store – Japan Lovely Crafts
      Hope you find a book you like!