I was searching for a handphone case pattern. I haven’t found one that I like yet, but I stumbled upon this site that made me want to make other things instead. 😛
The website is called indy*uneko http://uneko.at.webry.info/  and it is a blog by a lady about her handmade goods. She has a section on free  patterns here .
There are more than 20 projects at the moment, but these are the ones I want to make now! 🙂 Especially the fur tippet for the kids for their dress up box. I needed a tissue box cover badly too, and I love the color combination of hers! On the top left is a really cute headband and the best part is I have exactly the same fabric. You can’t see it from this picture but it has hidden pandas all over it. Super cute!
I love stumbling upon such well made patterns. It’s almost professional. Diagrams are included in a separate how-to-make PDF. Just follow the pictures and sew!
At the bottom of every blog post, look for the above PDF links to download the pattern and how-t0-make instructions.
Also note the terms of use which is on this page http://uneko.at.webry.info/201008/article_2.html
It is pretty much similar to most of the other blogs, such as not selling or distributing the patterns themselves. Also, give credit when linking to the patterns. If you link to their site, it is preferred if you link to the top page rather than directly to the individual post. It is ok to sell your own products made from these patterns. Oh and most importantly, all patterns include seam allowances. No scaling of patterns needed although in some cases you may need to piece them together.
That’s all for today! Happy sewing!