Translation Request – What size to make (for Ira)

April 13, 2012

I received a request via email today from Ira, who asked which size she should make for her 5 year old girl.
Hi Ira! You didn’t mention how tall she is, so I can’t tell you exactly which one to use. But the patterns usually refer to size for kids by their heights.

Under the how to make section, you will see a series of numbers divided by slashes. These are the different sizes (based on height).Subsequently for each set of materials/measurements, just take the corresponding measurement.



The translation for the above will be

  • materials for sizes (90/100/110/120/130cm)
    表布 main fabric (denim coat) 110cm wide (70/75/80/85/90cm)
    別布 co-ordinating fabric (broadcloth cotton) 110cm wide (55/60/65/70/75cm)
    2.5cm wide elastic band (ゴムテープ) (43/45/48/51/55cm)
    2.2cm wide lace(レース) (110/115/125/125/135cm)
    1 button (ボタン) of 1.5cm diameter (直径)
    4 buttons (ボタン)of 1.2cm diameter (直径)
  • completed garment size
    pants (パンツ)length(丈) 38.5/42/45.5/49/51.1cm

So let’s say if your daughter is 110cm tall, then you will take the 3rd set of measurements for each item. Meaning 80cm of main fabric, 65cm of co-ordinating fabric, 48cm of elastic and 125cm of lace. And the finished size will be 45.5cm. If you wish to adjust the length of the pants you can just extend or shorten from the bottom edge of the pants pattern.

Hope this helps you decide which size to make!


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  • ira April 14, 2012 at 2:36 am

    Thank you sooooo much!

  • Quiteria Guardado Baeza April 19, 2012 at 5:31 pm

    I’m having a tiny problem I can’t seem to be able to subscribe your feed, I’m using google reader by the way.

  • Jaya April 23, 2013 at 11:51 pm

    that is a very clear description of something that puzzled me for a very long time. thank you!