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translating japanese sewing pattern

Translation Requests – Felt Toys for Judy

I’ve been getting more translation requests lately so those of you who have emailed me, please be patient. They are all in the queue! 🙂 Today’s translation request is from Judy and look at this cute book! Easy, Cute Handmade Felt Mascots by Boutique-Sha…

September 13, 2012

Translation Request – Polka Dot Tunic

Another translation request from the Daily Sewing Book. This time it’s pattern d. a Polka Dot tunic. Click on image for full translation.  …

August 30, 2012

Translation Request – Daily Sewing Book

I received a translation request for a couple of patterns from this book – Daily Sewing Book The first pattern I translated was G.02 which is a slip dress with tucks and gathers in the front, and gathers at the back. Note that when…

August 23, 2012

Translation Requests – for Niki

This week’s translation request is from Niki, who needed some help with the following patterns. The first pattern is from the book girly style wardrobe – おんなのこのワードローブ The second pattern is from another book that I’ve reviewed before – おしゃれが好きな女の子の服 The name of this…

August 1, 2012

Translation Requests

Today’s question was more like a sewing pattern help than a real request for translation, but it’s still important. BK cut out the pieces to this shirt from one of the books that I happen to have and reviewed about . Simple+one by Kurai…

May 24, 2012

Translation Wednesdays!

I know that despite the best translation guides and dictionaries, sometimes it is still hard to deciper a pattern especially when you pick up a book like this. Some books provide great step by step picture, but this book gives me a one page…

May 16, 2012

Understanding a typical Japanese sewing pattern

After posting the dictionary of sewing terms, I shall now go through an example of a typical pattern you can find in the sewing books. Most pattern books follow a similar structure such as this one. You will usually find something like the above,…

January 17, 2012

How to Make – 作り方

A typical Japanese sewing or pattern book usually starts with gorgeous pictures of cute models in the finished projects, sometimes followed by a summary of all the projects available in the book. At the end of the pretty pictures, before you dive into the…

December 28, 2011