Kamille left a comment on one of my blog posts recently asking me about sewing books for toddler girls. Specifically for a 12 month old little girl. I have not sewn for anyone so little for years, since my baby just turned 5 (growing…
I received this book together with the More! Handmade Wallets a couple of weeks ago, and I could not wait to share! This is a very new book also published by Nihon Vogue. I check their site out too often and I keep seeing…
Another sewing magazine review. Cotton Friend usually covers a whole range of crafts, mostly to do with zakka and fabrics. This is the summer edition, and it caught my eye because it says サマーソーイング ”Summer Sewing”.…
Back to school! I can’t decide if I like school holidays. I enjoy the sleeping in, but by mid week I’m out of ideas to entertain the kids. It didn’t help that the weather was really bad for outdoor activities last week. Anyway, I…
So glad it’s Friday at last. Do you look forward to book reviews on Fridays? Today’s title is シンプル&デサイン おんなの子服 おとこの子服。Directly translated it’s Simple & Design Girls and Boys clothes. I am guessing the “&” is redundant here. Simple Design clothes for Girls and Boys? This…
So I finally bought my serger, so the first thing I needed was a book that would teach me how to sew with one. I wanted to get this book but it was out of stock in the bookshop. So I bought the next…
Today’s book review is about knitwear for kids. The common misconception is that you will need an overlocker or serger to sew knits. But this book shows you that it is possible to sew knits with a home sewing machine. In fact, the whole…
Cucito is a kids sewing magazine published by Boutique-sha. The same people who publish Lady’s Boutique and Cotton Friend. They also publish a lot of other craft books and magazines. This is one of the magazines that I will buy regularly because not only is…
Today’s book review is from one of my most frequently used books. This is a book covers sewing and other crafty projects, all related to school supplies and school going children. This book is also the thickest sewing/craft book I have! It’s 187 pages…
I’ve seen a couple of requests for boy patterns. Sorry to say that because I have two girls, the only boy patterns I have are from books that have a combination of patterns for kids. I don’t have any books specially for boys! But…