Free Mask Pattern Download – Contoured 3D Face Mask

June 20, 2020

After testing out many different mask shapes and materials, I’ve finally found the best shape and fabric combination. I will elaborate further on how I decided on this but as I personally hate wading through long grandmother stories before getting to the pattern, I will post up the video and Free Mask Pattern Download links here first before getting to the details. How does that sound?

Free 3D Contoured Face Mask Pattern Download Links

All patterns include a test square (please check!), and all seam allowances are included. Please follow the video for the seam allowances for different parts of the mask.
If you make a mask using my pattern, please tag #JSBfacemask so I can see it!

Free 3D Contoured Face Mask Pattern All sizes – This is a layered PDF pattern which allows you to select the sizes you want using Acrobat Reader (Free software)

If you prefer to download separate sizes here are the links

XS – Fits preschooler approx 2-4yrs old

S – Fits preschooler approx 4-6yrs old

M – Fits Primary school student 7-12yrs old

L – Fits Teens/Ladies

XL – Average Men’s size

XXL – Fits Men with larger faces

The above description are based on average sizes so I think for clarity here’s the finished measurements for the face mask. On the right column you will see the approximate length of elastic band to cut for the different sizes.

Depending on the size you choose and the face size of the wearer, you may need to trial and error and make some adjustments.

Recommended fabrics

  • Outer layer – A medium weight cotton such as quilting cotton, oxford, Japanese soft canvas, nothing too soft as there are no gaps around the mask and if you fabric is too soft.  it will stick to your face as you breathe in and out as I discovered when I tried this pattern with 2 layers of Liberty Lawn.
  • Lining Layer – I used quilting cotton, or you can use a thinner tightly woven cotton such as Liberty Tana Lawn (very cool and comfortable).

Ok now for the grandmother story of how this pattern came about. I know I’m really late to the mask tutorial game on youtube, some have been sewing since February. To be honest there wasn’t a real shortage of masks in Singapore especially due to the initial recommendations by the Govt not to wear them unless you are sick. I think that was a big mistake because the community spread worsened and we were forced to go into a circuit breaker. It was only sometime in April that they made it mandatory for everyone to wear a mask.

Sometime during then I started making masks for donation. This is an ongoing a nationwide effort appealing to home-sewists to help make masks for a wide range of beneficiaries. Then it was announced that it is now compulsory for everyone to wear a mask when leaving the house, or risk a fine. That was when I started making some of the standard cup shaped masks for myself, as I was getting an allergic skin reaction from wearing surgical masks especially when it gets hot and I start perspiring. It is really uncomfortable and the breakout takes a few days to settle with steroids.

With the cup shaped masks it was better, but I found it very uncomfortable to wear for long periods because the fabric gets stuck to my face when I breathe in and out and sometimes it feels like I can’t breathe at all. The other problem was that if you had to talk, the cup will slide off as you talk. So I started trying out other designs, and finally saw this contoured design on a Spanish Instagrammer –  ateliermaryribeiro She makes the coolest and most fashionable face masks I’ve seen, but I couldn’t find the pattern anywhere (maybe it’s there but I couldn’t find it because I can’t read the language :P)

Then I discovered this video from another youtuber Romilda Dias and this was where I learned  how to draft the pattern. But there was only one size and I wanted to make them for my kids as well, so I transferred it into my pattern drafting software, and using the measurements from store bought masks as well as my kids measurements, I came up with 6 sizes. The other difference is that in her videos she used a different way of attaching the elastic band. Her method saves more elastic, but it was not adjustable, which I found out when I sewed some too long and in order to shorten it I had to unpick the stitches to replace it. This was a problem if i had to sew for other people that are not staying with me as I won’t be able to adjust it to fit. So I sewed a casing for the elastic as well.

Why 6 sizes? Well, in Singapore kids above 2  yrs old have to wear masks the minute they leave the house. I find it quite ridiculous honestly, because it is really hard for them to keep it on or to wear it properly without touching it 62374 times a day. But the law is such and I can’t change it so I hope this will come in useful for those who need it. As for the XXL size, I have heard some feedback about the standard largest size not fitting the larger Mens faces. So I just graded it one size up hope it will work!

If you make a mask using my pattern, please tag #JSBfacemask so I can see it!

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  • Melinda June 20, 2020 at 8:33 pm

    Thank you for making this pattern and the instructions! Now that it is summer here in southern US this type of mask will be much more comfortable for my family and friends. Love your blog ! Stay well. 🙂

  • Jenn June 21, 2020 at 1:51 am

    Thank you for all your hard work on sizing and creating the pattern. You did a lot of work and I appreciate you sharing this for free for everyone. Health is important and you shared this without charge so it’s accessible to everyone! Thank you a million! – from Vancouver, BC Canada.

  • Alison Newbold June 22, 2020 at 9:22 pm

    Thank you for the mask templates. I’m now off to make a few!

  • Laura Bauer June 23, 2020 at 3:01 am

    I love what I see!

  • Min June 29, 2020 at 7:58 am

    Thanks for the pattern, I just went back to sewing after a long hiatus because I hate the government issued masks, need to save on the usage of disposable masks (too expensive for daily wear), so sewing one’s mask is the way to go. Been trying different mask patterns, personally prefer this 3D shape type, and yours is the most straight forward pattern! Love it!

  • ari June 29, 2020 at 6:16 pm

    thank you for this! I’ve tried a few masks and don’t hate any of them but this seems like it will be a really great fit!

  • Tricia July 4, 2020 at 8:28 am

    Thank you so much for taking time to create and share this.Your generosity and talent is amazing.Tricia in the UK.

  • Renee July 6, 2020 at 11:26 am

    How refreshing to get the goods before the story. Loved the story, by the way. But so often(not here–yet–websites crash before I can get what I came for, even if I try to skip over the story.
    Now to watch your video, while I’m wondering if this is what I’ve heard called the bat mask?