More New Releases for March 2017

March 6, 2017

I was writing up another book review when I spotted some more new releases for March and somehow got carried away and started writing this new release post instead. There are so many temptations that will be released over the next couple of weeks! Here are just a couple more to add on to your shopping list. Some of these books are already in my cart!


The last FU-KO Basics book I reviewed was so lovely and the cover for this new book just made me want to order it immediately. The title reads  : Boys (also) Girls (also), clothes I’d like to make. And do check out the preview on the publisher Nihon-vogue’s website You will see shirts for little boys too! Sizes are from 100-150cm, plus 5 projects in size 80cm, and 3 adult sizes.

Title : 男の子にも女の子にも、作ってあげたい服
Author : 美濃羽まゆみ
ISBN : 978-4529056762

dividerkanastandardkids2 kanastandardkids2contentsThis is the second Kana’s standard book for Kids and it is for both girls and boys too. For sizes 100-140cm. From the contents preview above, it looks like I will be using this book lots. It won’t be released for a few more days so I have to wait!

Title :スタイリスト佐藤かなが作る男の子にも女の子にも着せたい服 KANA’S STANDARD for kids II
Author :佐藤 かな
ISBN : 9784579116003



Fans of Tomoe Shinohara can look forward to her second sewing book “The Dress 2” with her quirky, bright and colorful designs.

Title : ザ・ワンピース 2
Author : 篠原ともえ
ISBN : 978-4-579-11603-4



What do you do when you love the dress on the cover, but nothing else, well, at least nothing else in the preview pages. I don’t know, this will go under the KIV list but I was just looking for a blouse pattern that looked like the dress on the cover. This book is about dresses for all year around, by Akiko Mano, the designer of that famous balloon dress (check out my sew-along from way back then) from the book Linen, Wool, Cotton Kids

Title :  一年中ワンピース
Author : まのあきこ
ISBN : 978-4579116027



Another Ladies sewing book by Nihon Vogue. I haven’t found any previews of this book yet but I like that top on the cover with the cool detail on the waistband.
Title : 気のきいた いつもの服
Author : Atelier an one
ISBN : 9784529056663


weddingdressesAnd last on the list, is this very interesting Wedding and Color Dress book. I’ve never seen a wedding dress sewing book in Japanese before, or maybe I just wasn’t looking. There are no available previews yet, but from the description of the book on Bunka Publishing’s website, it seems that the instructions are based on the basic Bunka slopers. However on the cover page it says there are 5 basic styles in S, M, ML and L size. So I am not sure exactly how much of your own drafting you will have to do. Will have to wait for the book to be released and read the reviews to find out.

Title : カスタマイズできるウェディング&カラードレス
Authors :野中慶子 、 岡本あづさ 、 松尾一弘
ISBN : 978-4-579-11591-4

That’s all for now. I better get back to finishing my book review. Happy shopping!

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  • Patty Jakob March 6, 2017 at 10:58 pm

    Oh my gosh!!! These books are amazing, I dont have them yet but I can tell right away.

    Thank you for sharing this info with us.

    Happy Week!

  • Marisa March 7, 2017 at 7:51 pm

    I like the look of those kids’ books – soooo tempting!

  • Janet Rodgers March 13, 2017 at 9:50 am

    I really like the look of the FU-KO Basics but unfortunately I couldn’t get through on the link, I will keep a watch for your newsletters. I didn’t think I needed another children’s book, but I have a feeling from the cover this one is going to be bought!

  • Claire March 14, 2017 at 4:15 am

    I’m so excited about all these books, esp the kids book!

  • Moon April 11, 2017 at 4:12 pm

    Wow, another great fu-ko basics book. I love the look of these clothes, but will never be able to make them from a Japanese pattern. Do you know if these books will ever be translated?

  • Laura Bertram April 17, 2017 at 2:47 am

    I tried to order the two Niho Vogue books – Ladies and kids (up to size 150) – but they were both out of stock at cdjapan. Any idea where to find them?