New Releases April to June – Part 1

May 24, 2016

2016 seems to be the year of IT challenges. Not long after I migrated my entire desktop to a new one, I found that my web server was acting up and for the past two weeks it was not letting my upload any images. Fortunately, my hosting company moved me to a faster and newer server, so here’s crossing my fingers it will work much better than before.

While we were dealing with technical difficulties, here are some of the (many!) sewing books that have been released over the past few months, or will be released soon. Enjoy browsing and happy shopping! Lots of new releases this season! I will be splitting this post up into a few parts and posting it over the next few days so that the post won’t be too long.


Pattern Label’s Kids Clothes Style Book
Author : Yuuki Katagai
ISBN No. : 978-4529055574

The Author of Sewing Lesson Book and Everyday Clothes for Girls, is back with another sewing book, and this time the size range has been extended to include 150cm which is great news for me, since my oldest has outgrown most of the 130cm books and there are only a few that cover 140cm sizes. This book will close the gap between the kids books and adult sewing books. And it helps that the styles are not kiddish or girly. There are patterns for both boys and girls, and I will definitely be adding this to my library so watch out for my review. If you can’t wait, you can always click here to purchase it now from cdjapan – Pattern Label’s Kids Clothes Style Book by Yuuki Katagai (Affiliate link)



Children’s clothes made with Overlocker by Pattern Shop Muni
Author : Shizu Fukunaga
ISBN No. : 978-4529055567

Another book for the kids, but this is a book dedicated to knits using an overlocker. According to the book cover, there are 36 projects for sizes 100-140cm and also 5 adult size patterns. There are also basic tips for sewing and using the overlocker. Detailed lessons with step by step photographs can also be found for 4 of the patterns. A quick glance at the contents pages shows up lots of useful wearable basics, and includes clothing for all seasons. For a preview of selected pages, please click here to visit Nihon-Vogue’s website.



Author of Simple chic, Machiko Kayaki, is back with another book called

Beautiful Looking Clothes きれいにみえる服
Author : Machiko Kayaki
ISBN No. 978-4579115686 .

For a preview of selected pages, please click here to visit Bunka Publishing Bureau’s website.
Click here to buy Beautiful Looking Clothes きれいにみえる服 (affiliate link)  now from


Dresses that I always want to wear  ずっと着たい私だけのワンピース
Author : Noriko Sasahara
ISBN No. : 978-4579115730

The author of Casual Sweet Clothes and Pocchari Girl’s Sewing Book is back with another beautiful sewing book. And I already spot a few dresses I want to make! There are 5 sizes available, 7,9,11,13,15. You can see some more of the preview pages on


apronsAprons and Apron-like Dresses
Author : Masao Waragai
ISBN No. : 978-4579115693

All the apron styles you can dream of, and more…
For a preview of selected pages, please click here to visit Bunka Publishing Bureau’s website.

Just a quick note before I end this post.

I have been getting quite a number of emails asking me if certain books are in stock or for sale, so I would like to explain how things work around here. for new visitors. I wish I could be a book seller 🙂 but unfortunately due to high shipping costs of both importing the books and shipping them out from Singapore, it doesn’t seem likely that I will be selling any Japanese sewing books anytime soon. So I always include some links that will direct you to either my affiliate website (cdjapan) if the books are in stock there, or, if they are not available on cdjapan, I will include the link to the publisher or, where you can get other information like the ISBN number. This number can help tremendously in online searches or requesting a book order from your local bookstore. For other online sources, you can check also this blog post that I wrote up previously as well – Where to buy Japanese Sewing Books. For those of you unfamiliar with affiliate links, it simply means that I get a small commission for each book sold if the customer was linked to the website through my links.  There is no difference in the price you pay for the book, but the points I earn for the books sold help me buy more new books to review so that you can have a preview before you purchase.

That’s it for today, I will post more new April – May new releases over the next few days. Look out for it!


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  • marisa May 25, 2016 at 7:59 pm

    I have that first book and I love it! I bought it because it goes up to 150cm and I’ve just sewn my first project from it – the ‘culottes’.

  • Tammy June 12, 2016 at 1:09 pm

    Hi there,

    I am so inspired by your postings and sewing projects. I just started sewing not to long ago and currently taking up classes at a community centre. Is there a place you would recommend, like a school, for I can hone my skills further?

    • Japanese Sewing Books June 16, 2016 at 9:21 am

      Hi Tammy,
      I’m sorry, I basically learned through books and internet so I have no idea which school is good. Sorry! 🙂